
Results of the National Naadam Festival

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Results of the National Naadam Festival

One of Mongolia's grandest celebrations, the National Naadam Festival, ended this year with great cultural performances and fierce competition among wrestlers, horse racers, archers, and ankle bone players. This year, the Naadam Festival began on July 11, and marked the 2,225th anniversary of Mongolian Statehood, the 810th anniversary of the Mongol Empire, and the 95th anniversary of the Mongolian People’s Revolution. The following are the results of the main events of the festival, Eriin Gurvan Naadam (the Three Games of Men), which include Mongolian wrestling, horse racing, and archery. Originally, women weren’t allowed to participate in these games, but in modern times, women are allowed to take part in archery and horse racing competitions.


For the first time in history, this year’s National Wrestling Tournament continued overnight, starting on July 12 and continuing into July 13. In total, 1,024 wrestlers competed for the State Giant title. Ch.Sanjaadamba Ch.Sanjaadamba[/caption] State Elephant Ch.Sanjaadamba from Khashaat soum in Arkhangai Province triumphed after overthrowing fellow Arkhangai Province wrestler State Falcon R.Purevdagva from Bulgan soum. “I’d like to thank my parents, who raised me, as well as my family. Every wrestler dreams of winning the Avarga (Giant) title, and today I have fulfilled my dream. I’m so glad that I could fight until the end without disappointing all of you [the Mongolian public],” said Ch.Sanjaadamba after the tournament. Ch.Sanjaadamba fought valiantly through all 10 rounds. He was able to attain the ultimate title in his sport after 15 years of training and competition.  On top of gaining a new title, Ch.Sanjaadamba also received a Land Cruiser 200 from Toyota Motors on July 16. President of Mongolia Ts.Elbegdorj presented titles, medals, and certificates to the winner and runners-up of the National Wrestling Tournament at Central Stadium on July 12. Below are 2016's tournament winners. State Giant
  • State Elephant Ch.Sanjaadamba from Khashaat soum in Arkhangai Province
State Lion
  • State Falcon R.Purevdagva from Bulgan soum in Arkhangai Province
State Elephant
  • State Hawk B.Purevsaikhan from Chandmani soum in Khovd Province
State Hawk
  1. Provincial Elephant D.Bat-Erdene from Numrug soum in Zavkhan Province
  2. State Falcon T.Baasankhuu from Tes soum in Uvs Province
  3. Provincial Lion B.Bat-Ulzii from Zereg soum in Khovd Province
  4. Provincial Lion N.Jargalbayar from Mandal soum in Selenge Province
  5. Provincial Lion Kh.Gantulga from Uyanga soum in Uvurkhangai Province
State Falcon
  1. Provincial Lion L.Shinebaatar from Battsengel soum in Arkhangai Province
  2. Provincial Lion Ch.Chimeddorj from Khujirt soum in Uvurkhangai Province
  3. Provincial Lion M.Bat-Otgon from Bulgan soum in Arkhangai Province
  4. Provincial Lion D.Amarsaikhan from Selenge soum in Bulgan Province
  5. Soldier Lion B.Ganzorig from Tes soum in Uvs Province
  6. Provincial Lion Ts.Nyamdorj from Tsenkher soum in Arkhangai Province
  7. Soldier Lion L.Batzorig from Ulziit soum in Uvurkhangai Province
  8. Provincial Lion B.Chimedvandan from Ikh-Uul soum in Zavkhan Province
  9. Provincial Lion B.Baatartsol from Bulgan soum in Bayan-Ulgii Province
  10. Provincial Lion B.Gankhuyag from Shine-Ider soum in Khuvsgul Province
  11. Provincial Lion E.Vandantseren from Tsenkher soun in Arkhangai Province
  12. Provincial Lion Ch.Khukhchirenger from Galt soum in Khuvsgul Province
  13. Provincial Lion B.Delgersaikhan from Mandal soum in Selenge Province
  14. Provincial Lion D.Anar from Dashbalbar soum in Dornod Province
Wrestlers who received new titles Wrestlers who received new titles[/caption]


Two new archers of State Precision emerge in 2016 Nearly 1,000 archers gathered at the Archery Field to challenge their skills and precision in the National Archery Competition. Men shot at targets from a 75 meter distance and women from a 65 meter distance. In the final round of eight female finalists, G.Punsaldulam from School No.52, born in Nariinteel soum in Uvurkhangai Province, won first place and earned the Archer of State Precision title. Ch.Gandavaa, from Khulunbuir soum in Dornod Province, tied for second place with Gem International and Aldar Sports Committee athlete D.Norjmaa from Tes soum of Uvs Province. The top three archers scored 37 points each. In the men’s competition, B.Demberelsaikhan of Orkhon Province’s Khangarid Club, born in Erdenekhairkhan soum in Zavkhan Province, won with 36 points and gained the Archer of State Precision title. Yesukhei Mergen Club of Khilchin Sports Committee archer B.Yondon, born in Durvuljin soum in Zavkhan Province, placed second and also scored 36 points. He was followed by J.Tulga of Sukhbaatar District’s Duulga Team, from Tunel soum in Khuvsgul Province, who scored 35 points in total. Archers at the Archery Field during National Naadam Festival 2016 Archers at the Archery Field during National Naadam Festival 2016[/caption] Top eight male archers:
  1. Archer of State Precision B.Yondon – 34 points
  2. Sports Master B.Munkhbold – 33 points
  3. Sports Master Sh.Bayanmunkh – 33 points
  4. Archer of Distinguished Precision L.Otgonbayar– 32 points
  5. Archer of Provincial Precision and Sports Master M.Lkhagva-Ochir – 32 points
  6. Archer of Provincial Precision and Sports Master N.Ulziibileg – 32 points
  7. Archer of Provincial Precision and Sports Master J.Tulga – 32 points
  8. Sports Master B.Demberelsaikhan – 32 points
Top eight female archers:
  1. Archer of State Precision D.Norjmaa – 34 points
  2. Khoshoi Mergen (two-time champion) D.Erdenetuya – 33 points
  3. Archer of Provincial Precision and Sports Master B.Punsaldulam – 33 points
  4. Archer of Provincial Precision and Sports Master Ch.Gandavaa – 33 points
  5. Archer of Provincial Precision and Sports Master M.Munkh-Amgalan – 33 points
  6. Archer of State Precision G.Batzaya – 31 points
  7. Archer of Provincial Precision and Sports Master S.Ulziijargal – 31 points
  8. Sports Master Ts.Bulgan – 31 points


The National Naadam Festival's horse racing competition is organized in six age classes. The racecourse ranges from 15 to 30 kilometers depending on the age class. Daagas, two-year-old horses, race for ten miles and ikh nas, seven-year-old horses, for seventeen miles. naadam Ganbold S uyach Hartsaga --- (12) The following are the results of each race: Daaga (two-year-old horses)
  1. Horse trained by N.Donoodoi of Darkhan soum in Khentii Province, ridden by B.Bat-Erdene (age 10)
  2. Horse trained by Hero of Labor N.Baasanjav of Tsetseg soum in Khovd Province, ridden by Ts.Otgonbaatar (age 13)
  3. Horse trained by T.Turmunkh of Bayangol soum in Selenge Province, ridden by  Ch.Byambajav (age 15)
  4. Horse trained by T.Turmunkh of Bayangol soum in Selenge Province, ridden by  N.Otgonjargal (age 13)
  5. Horse trained by State Merited Horse Trainer Kh.Bat-Erdene of Sharga soum in Govi-Altai Province, ridden by M.Ankhzorig (age 9)
Shudlen (three-year-old horses)
  1. Horse trained by J.Uyasakh of Ikh Tamir soum in Arkhangai Province, ridden by  Ch.Tuvshinjargal (age 13)
  2. Horse trained by Ts.Nuudel of Malchin soum in Uvs Province, ridden by B.Turmandakh (age 9)
  3. Horse trained by Kh.Tumenbayar of Tsogtsets soum in Umnugovi Province, ridden by  B.Bayarmaa (age 9)
  4. Horse trained by State Merited Horse Trainer Ts.Gantumur of Altai soum in Khovd Province, ridden by B.Enkhbold (age 9)
  5. Horse trained by D.Ganbold of Bogd soum in Bayankhongor Province, ridden by  Kh.Munkhbayar (age 12)
Khyazaalan (four-year-old horses)
  1. Horse trained by State Merited Horse Trainer B.Khagva-Ochir of Khuld soum in Dundgovi Province, ridden by G.Enkhbold (age 12)
  2. Horse trained by State Merited Horse Trainer T.Galbadrakh of Tosontsengel soum in Zavkhan Province, ridden by M.Battsooj (age 9)
  3. Horse trained by Provincial Merited Horse Trainer N.Batjargal of Khuld soum in Dundgovi Province, ridden by E.Shirchin (age 14)
  4. Horse trained by Ts.Enkhtaivan of Bayan-Ovoo soum in Bayankhongor Province, ridden by D.Munkhtemuulen (age 10)
  5. Horse trained by Provincial Merited Horse Trainer K.Munkhsuren of Khalzan soum in Sukhbaatar Province, ridden by O.Khuslenbayar (age 11)
Soyolon (five-year-old horses) Soyolon horse racing Soyolon horse racing[/caption]
  1. Horse trained by D.Dagvadorj of Khujirt soum in Uvurkhangai Province, ridden by  G.Erkhemnamdagbayar (age 13)
  2. Horse trained by State Merited Horse Trainer U.Purevbaatar of Tuvshruulekh soum in Uvurkhangai Province, ridden by Ch.Byambajav (age 15)
  3. Horse trained by S.Dambajav of Altanbulag soum in Tuv Province, ridden by J.Dashzeveg (age 14)
  4. Horse trained by D.Ganzorig of Altanbulag soum in Tuv Province, ridden by B.Otgonbileg (age 9)
  5. Horse trained by State Merited Horse Trainer L.Batmunkh of Biger soum in Govi-Altai Province, ridden by Ts.Gangatugs (age 13)
Stallion Azarga horse racing Azarga horse racing[/caption]
  1. Horse trained by State Merited Horse Trainer T.Boldbaatar of Murun soum in Khuvsgul Province, ridden by B.Ganbold (age 9)
  2. Horse trained by State Merited Horse Trainer D.Bayanbat of Bayantsagaan soum in Tuv Province, ridden by G.Tuvshinbayar (age 8)
  3. Horse trained by Provincial Merited Horse Trainer D.Dagvadorj of Yaruu soum in Zavkhan Province, ridden by O.Gonchingsumlaa (age 8)
  4. Horse trained by State Merited Horse Trainer D.Dagvadorj of Yaruu soum in Zavkhan Province, ridden by A.Altangerel (age 8)
  5. Horse trained by D.Enkhtur of Ikh Uul soum in Khuvsgul Province, ridden by U.Tuguldur (age 10)
Ikh Nas (horse over the age of five)
  1. Horse trained by Soum Merited Horse Trainer B.Enkhbaatar of Taragt soum in Uvurkhangai Province, ridden by B.Bandi (age 11)
  2. Horse trained by State Leader Horse Trainer D.Bayaraa of Durvuljin soum in Zavkhan Province, ridden by A.Davaadorj (age 10)
  3. Horse trained by M.Davaajargal of Erdenesant soum in Tuv Province, ridden by  G.Otgonbayar (age 11)
  4. Horse trained by State Excellent Leader Horse Trainer Ts.Khenmedekh of Sergelen soum in Tuv Province, ridden by B.Barkhuu (age 9)
  5. Horse trained by N.Munkhbayasgalan of Tsetsen Uul soum in Zavkhan Province, ridden by Kh.Sevjid (age 13)
Ikh Nas horse racing Ikh Nas horse racing[/caption]