
Education Standing Committee reports on performance

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Education Standing Committee reports on performance

During the spring session, the Standing Committee on Education, Culture, Science and Sports convened eight times, discussed 56 issues in duplicate and developed 16 bills, and five resolutions approved by Parliament.

Moreover, the standing committee developed 43 legal drafts and made four conclusions, two introductions and 129 proposals.

By order of the speaker of Parliament and the resolution of the standing committee, four working groups were established to prepare bills and other resolutions for parliamentary review, and monitor the implementation of relevant laws. The working groups met 15 times and the sub-working group met 16 times.

In particular, the bill on promotion of cinematography and draft resolution on measures to be taken in connection with the adoption of the law were developed by the standing committee and approved by Parliament. Chairman of the standing committee J.Munhkbat said that with the enactment of the law, a new legal framework was created to support the film industry by the government.

During the session, draft amendments to laws submitted in connection with the revised Law on Culture were also approved. Bills on education and the legal status of the research university and revisions to the Law on Preschool and General Education and Law on Higher Education were reviewed by the standing committee and Parliament, and are currently under discussion.

In accordance with the resolution of the standing committee, two working groups were established to review the implementation of the Law on Physical Culture and Sports, investment and financing of the sector, make proposals and conclusions, plan decisions and intensify the procurement process with public investment in 2021 and further funding.

The working groups discussed the report on the implementation of the Law on Physical Culture and Sports, got acquainted with the activities of physical culture and sports organizations in some districts of Ulaanbaatar, and is working to submit proposals to Parliament, draft a decision on further measures to address pressing issues in the sector, and prepare it for the standing committee meeting.

In accordance with Article 1.5 of Resolution No. 39 on measures to be taken in connection with the 2021 Budget Law of Mongolia, which stipulates a replacement of pit latrines in state-owned secondary schools, kindergartens and dormitories with modern sanitary facilities through funding by Erdenet Mining Corporation from 2021 to 2022, the working group was set up and convened six times.

The working group met with venders to replace pit latrines with modern toilets, and is preparing a draft on further measures to be discussed at the standing committee meeting, lawmaker J.Munkhbat said.

Moreover, the working group was established to monitor the implementation of the Law on Food Production and Services in Secondary Schools, make proposals and conclusions, and draft decisions.

They heard the report on the implementation of Resolution No. 53 and the Law on Food Production and Services in Secondary Schools, got acquainted with the problems of school food production and service, the relevant activities of some general education and special needs schools in Ulaanbaatar, and drafted a decision on further measures to be taken.

During the spring session, the standing committee, in cooperation with other relevant standing committees, lawmakers and the Ministry of Education and Science, organized a discussion on humanitarian education with participation of teachers, researchers and residents of Ulaanbaatar and rural areas, according to the Standing Committee on Education, Culture, Science and Sports.