
Business environment worsened, reports MNCCI

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Business environment worsened, reports MNCCI

         The results of the Mongolian Business Environment-2023 survey were presented. The Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) and the Business School of National University of Mongolia (NUM) jointly conducted the national survey from April to December, covering 4,606 enterprises. In doing so, the business environment is studied with about 300 indicators, and it covers the largest number of enterprises so far.

The main results of this survey, which is presented once every three years, show that the business environment of 2023 was evaluated by entrepreneurs as 2.68, which is below average and decreased by 0.23 points compared to before pandemic. In other words, business owners believe that the business environment has worsened compared to before the pandemic. The rating was 2.45 in 2017, when the survey began. The research is evaluated by the general five and about 300 detailed indicators of the environment, and the results are combined. Considering the rating of five general environments, the rating of governance, law and legal environment was the lowest, 2.4. In other words, economic rating is 2.5, infrastructure, technology rating is 2.73, and social and cultural environment indicator is 2.57, which is a decrease. Entrepreneurs expressed their belief that to further improve the governmental operations, it is necessary to improve the clarity of regulations, improve coordination between government agencies, and reduce bureaucracy. However, the only rating that slightly improved from 2020, or by two percent, is the indicator related to the company governance of the business organization at 3.19. This is because business owners have implemented various measures to ensure continuity of operations due to the impact of the pandemic, which has contributed to the improvement of their internal operations.

Professor at NUM Business School, Dr. B.Davaasuren said that it is difficult to obtain permission from the state authority to study the conditions of doing business, lack of financial resources, and insufficient in resolving business disputes. He also mentioned that internal and external transport conditions, tariff and non-tariff regulations of countries, and insufficient business services specifically addressed to traders are obstacles to conducting foreign trade in Mongolia. To increase the possibility of conducting foreign trade, first, it is important to solve the high exchange rate fluctuations, high transportation costs, long delivery times, and inadequate financing services.