
Tsetsii wind farm commences operations in Gobi Desert

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Tsetsii wind farm commences operations in Gobi Desert

Clean Energy Asia, a joint venture between Newcom Group and Japanese Softbank Energy, launched commercial operations for its 50MW Tsetsii wind farm in Tsogtsetsii soum in Umnugovi Province. The farm, consisting of 25 Vestas V90 turbines, was finished three months ahead of the scheduled commencement in December 2017. SoftBank Group chairman and chief executive Masayoshi Son said, “I’m very pleased that the commercial launch of the Tsetsii wind farm marks the first step for SoftBank Group to establish a renewable energy business in Mongolia under the Asia Super Grid project, in addition to India and Japan.” “We believe the successful completion of our project has increased the confidence of foreign investors in Mongolia and proven that Mongolia is a country where things can be done,” Newcom Group chairman and CEO Enkhbold Nyamjav added. Wood Group’s clean energy business was the primary engineer during construction. According to a 2015 report by the Ministry of Energy, Mongolia has a power-supply capacity of 1,130MW, consisting of 88 percent coal, six percent diesel, six percent renewable energy, and two percent hydropower.