
Erdenes Mongol’s Strategic Transformation Program implemented to boost assets

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Erdenes Mongol’s Strategic Transformation Program implemented to boost assets

Executive Director of Erdenes Mongol B.Byambasaikhan presented the company’s Strategic Transformation Program, being implemented through 2017, and underlined that the program gives the company the potential to increase its managed assets by ten billion USD. The company emphasized that its strategic transformation from a state owned enterprise to an independent investment company is a matter of the greatest importance. “Since 2015, we have been developing our own corporate model based off of the world's leading successful corporations, including Temasek, Rio Tinto, and BHP Billiton, following their strategies and operating models,” the company reported. Erdenes Mongol reported that it will generate returns for Mongolia’s strategic and social development by accelerating the transformation processes. Through the program, the company said it will sustain and stimulate the economic growth of Mongolia through professionalizing and enhancing the company’s existing businesses; providing financial support and attracting world-class partners to its projects; creating employment opportunities; increasing the pool of the internationally-competitive skilled Mongolian workforce; contributing to the nation’s state budget; and generating dividends for the citizens of Mongolia.