
Domestic Violence Increases

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Domestic Violence Increases

By O.SHUREE A total of 16,956 crimes recorded nationwide in the first seven months of this year. Compared to previous year records, crimes decreased by 0.3 percent. However, domestic violence had increased by 27.4 percent. From 84 reported domestic violence incidences, 82.4 percent was light, 12.8 was percent partially serious, 3.5 was percent serious, and 1.3 percent were extreme serious cases. The report stated that 58.1 percent of domestic violence that occurred this year were reported in Ulaanbaatar and 41.9 percent in rural areas. Seven individuals died due to domestic violence this year and 695 people were injured. The majority of domestic violence, 95.7 percent, were committed against human life and health. Thirteen instances of crimes against children, family, and social ethics were recorded, while four crimes against ownership rights were reported. Crimes this year caused 796 injuries. This year 19 assault, nine sexual assaults and seven homicides were reported. Violent crimes caused 448.7 million MNT in losses. Alcoholism is believed to be the biggest cause of domestic violence. Perpetrators of 39.8 percent of domestic violence were found to have been intoxicated, while 60.2 percent of domestic violence were committed while sober. 92.7 percent of the perpetrators of domestic violence were men. Nevertheless, since the New Year, 61 women have committed domestic violence. The police said that 765 people have become victims of domestic violence this year, 89.9 percent of whom are women and girls. 87.8 percent of domestic violence occurred at home while 5.8 percent were perpetrated at public places. According to the crime report on the first seven months of this year, most domestic violence occurred among married couples. 468 victims of domestic violence were wives, while 40 husbands were abused by their wives out of 765 reported cases. Furthermore, from the victims, 17 were infants, 12 were step children, 11 mothers-in-law, nine parents and 18 were siblings. 337 victims were unemployed, while 148 were entrepreneurs. From the perpetrators of domestic violence, 396 were unemployed, 181 entrepreneurs, 54 state officials, 86 private company workers, 63 herders, six scholars and one student. People aged 25 to 34 comprised the large majority of victims of domestic violence. The report also claimed that domestic violence perpetrators were largely born in the 1990s. Specifically, women abused by their husbands were mostly aged between 24 and 35. Particularly, 181 domestic violence victims who reported to the police were aged from 25 to 29, and 176 were aged from 30 to 34. Domestic violence is committed usually at home, away from public view and are generally underreported. Fourteen victims of domestic violence reported that they have been abused for more than eight years. Some 551 victims claimed that they were abused for up to one year, 91 said they have been victims for one to three years, 25 were victims for three to five years, 20 were abused for five to eight years. The report said domestic violence usually occurs between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., mostly on Mondays and Thursdays.