
British Ambassador Arnold meets to discuss Chevening Scholarships and cooperation  

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British Ambassador Arnold meets to discuss Chevening Scholarships and cooperation  

Prime Minister J.Erdenebat met with Great Britain's Ambassador to Mongolia Catherine Arnold yesterday, and discussed economic cooperation and educational opportunities for Mongolian students. Recalling that Mongolia established diplomatic relations with Great Britain, the first among its relations with Western countries, in 1963, Premier J.Erdenebat noted that Mongolia attaches great significance to its ties with the United Kingdom. Expressing gratitude for British companies having an interest in cooperating with Mongolia in the mining and energy sectors, J.Erdenebat promised that the Government of Mongolia will pay more attention to creating an environment that will attract foreign trade and investment. The Prime Minister also thanked Great Britain for allowing 16 Mongolian students to study with Chevening Scholarships provided by the Government of the United Kingdom and asked Ambassador Arnold to study the possibility of increasing the quota for scholarships given to Mongolian students. He also expressed his interest in cooperating with the “Great” campaign of the UK’s Premier, promoting Mongolia abroad. Emphasizing the significance of reciprocal high-level visits in strengthening bilateral relations, J.Erdenebat reminded Ambassador Arnold of Mongolia’s invitation to Britain’s Prince Harry to visit Mongolia.