
Diplomas and references to become available online

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During Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting, it was announced that Mongolians living abroad will be available to obtain copies of their diplomas and transcripts online beginning on July 15. Throughout the 2015 to 2016 academic year , Mongolian embassies in foreign countries approached the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences of Mongolia to request copies of educational references for a total of 7,148 Mongolians who are studying at foreign universities, colleges, and schools. The number of Mongolians who want to study in the United States, Japan, Canada, China, Russia, Germany, Austria, and Italy is increasing year by year, and there is rising demand for certified copies of diplomas, references, and transcripts. Documents are requested by the Consulate Department of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, foreign embassies in Mongolia, the State Service Council, General Police Department, General Authority of State Registration and Statistics, Education Assessment Center, and State Training Fund. By providing educational background documents online, the service will become more prompt and Mongolia’s operations in the education sector will become closer to meeting international standards.