
Central bank leadership seminar taking place in UB

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Central bank leadership seminar taking place in UB

From June 12 to 17, Mongol Bank is organizing the international South East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN) Centre Intermediate Leadership Course on Integrative Leadership in Central Banking in Ulaanbaatar. The main goal of the SEACEN Centre's 10th international seminar is to empower leaders to resolve challenges such as how to settle values and develop leadership skills, how to properly manage emotions in the workplace, and how to improve productivity by encouraging and supporting colleagues. Experts from the Iclif Leadership and Governance Centre; representatives from the U.S, France, Malaysia, and the Philippines; and former president of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka Ajith Nivard Cabraal are presenting speeches to the seminar's participants. Around 25 representatives from the central banks of ten countries, including India, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Hong Kong are taking part in the seminar.