
Belarus to supply agricultural equipment to Mongolia

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Belarus to supply agricultural equipment to Mongolia

While attending the Belagro 2016 international expo and trade fair, held from June 7 to 8 in Minsk, a Mongolian delegation signed an agreement with the Belarusian government to supply agricultural equipment to Mongolia. The Mongolian delegation, led by State Secretary of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture N.Ariunbold, met with Deputy Minister of Industry of Belarus Alexander Ogorodnikov to sign the agreement to supply agricultural equipment through affordable financing from commercial banks in Mongolia. During their visit, the Mongolian delegation also held a meeting with Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Alexander Subbotin and exchanged views on cooperating to implement the general plan for food and agriculture sector collaboration from 2016 to 2018 approved during the first meeting of the food and agriculture working group consisting of representa tives from Mongolia and Belarus. This year, the annual Belagro expo and trade fair was attended by representatives from 26 countries.