
New road opens in Khan-Uul District

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New road opens in Khan-Uul District

A new paved road built by Anandiin Zam LLC in the 5th khoroo of Khan-Uul District opened on June 3. Ulaanbaatar Mayor E.BatUul, Deputy Mayor N.Gantumur, City Council representatives B.Tuvshin and G.Batchimeg, Khan-Uul District Mayor J.Gankhuyag, Head of the Ulaanbaatar Auto Road Office Nanzaddorj, and Mayor of Khan-Uul District's 5th khoroo B.Batzaya attended the opening ceremony. The new road is 500 meters long, six meters wide, has 1.5 meter wide sidewalks on each side of the road, and 26 street lights on the east side. The District Mayor expressed his gratitude to 15 khoroo residents and one organization for giving up their land and removing their fences for the construction of the road. "We aim to connect ger districts in Yarmag to Nisekh stage by stage with paved roads. The next stage will be a road built in the 7th khoroo of Khan-Uul District. We're working on wide main streets where the population is dense," said Khan-Uul District Mayor J.Gankhuyag.