
Who’s the richest politician in Mongolia?

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Who’s the richest politician in Mongolia?

As stated in the Law against Corruption, annual income statements of high ranking officials have to be submitted within the first two quarters of the following year for inclusion in the State Information pamphlet. The Independent Authority Against Corruption published the 2015 income statements of politicians on May 7. The income statements are organized under the following categories: income, apartments, buildings, land, vehicles, livestock, jewelry, art, historical artifact, cash, savings accounts, and loans. The following is a list assessed by mminfo.mn to identify Mongolia’s “richest” and “poorest” politicians. THE RICHEST G.BatkhuuHighest Income MP G.Batkhuu earned the highest income in 2015, with an annual income of 5.7 billion MNT. He had the highest income among politicians in 2014 as well.   Most CarsB.Narankhuu Most politicians didn't claim ownership of any cars in their income statements, but MP B.Narankhuu noted that he had six in his income statement, which makes him the politician who owns the most cars.   G.BayarsaikhanMost Apartments MP and Minister of Labor G.Bayarsaikhan stands first, with six apartments. In the second place comes MP S.Odontuya with five apartments, while most politicians, including President Ts.Elbegdorj, claimed that they own one or two apartments. Biggest Livestock HerdB.Bat-Erdene MP B.Bat-Erdene has been leading this area for several years in a row. According to his income statement, he owns 430 horses, 60 cows, 20 race horses, 400 goats, and 3,000 sheep. B.NarankhuuMost Savings This year, B.Narankhuu was listed as the politician with the most savings, with 21,195,800,000 MNT in his account. The politician with the second highest savings is L.Bold, with 17,864,391,000 MNT in his savings account.   Most PropertyL.Erdenechimeg MP L.Erdenechimeg owns a variety of property, with four segments of land (180 square meters, 4,032 square meters, 699 square meters, and 700 square meters) in possession, one (816 square meters) in ownership, and one (950 square meters) where she has rights to use. Biggest Land O.SodbilegMP O.Sodbileg has two segments of land (1,219 square meters and 50,000 square meters) in possession and one (700 square meters) in ownership. Most Jewelry MP O.Sodbileg leads this category, with jewelry worth 750 million MNT under his name. President Ts.Elbegdorj came in second place, with jewelry worth 635 million MNT. Biggest InvestorB.Choijilsuren MP B.Choijilsuren owns stocks of 25 companies: Khurd Group LLC, its branches Khurd Khuns LLC, Khurd Auto LLC, Khurd Trans LLC, Khurd Resource LLC, Khurd Center LLC, Khurd Standard LLC, Khurd Mining LLC, Khurd Capital LLC, Khurd Energy LLC, Khurd Properties LLC, Rapid Harsh LLC, South Gobi Black Gold LLC, and Apartment K H LLC; Govi Goyo Saikhan LLC, Umniin Goyo Govi LLC, DTs-Ulaanbaatar OOO LLC, Agenlogistic Bridge LLC, United Trans Group LLC, Bellevue Properties LLC, Nationalmining LLC, Monkon LLC, and Tumen Nairamdal LLC. MP B.Narankhuu comes second with ownership of 24 companies’ stocks.   THE POOREST   tsog_700Lowest Income MP L.Tsog is recorded to have the lowest annual income, earning 18 million MNT a year. Cheapest Car MP S.Ganbaatar drives the cheapest car, a Toyota Rav4, which is worth 17 million MNT.   Kh.BattulgaLeast Livestock S.OyunMPs Kh.Battulga and S.Oyun each own a horse. No Livestock MPs N.Battsereg, N.Nomtoibayar, Ts.Nyamdorj, S.Odontuya, Su.Batbold, B.Garamgaibaatar, D.Arvin, R.Amarjargal, N.Batbayar, S.Demberel, Ts.Oyunbaatar, Ts.Oyungerel, D.Oyunkhorol, D.Sarangerel, Ya.Sodbaatar, D.Sumiyabazar, Kh.Temuujin, A.Tleikhan, D.Khayankhyarvaa, G.Uyanga, D.Terbishdagva, M.Enkhsaikhan, U.Enkhtuvshin, N.Enkhbold, J.Enkhbayar, L.Erdenechimeg, L.Enkh-Amgalan, Ts.Tsolmon, D.Ganbat, R.Burmaa, S.Bayartsogt, D.Zorigt, G.Bayarsaikhan, N.Altankhuyag, L.Tsog, and R.Gonchigdorj, and Prime Minister Ch.Saikhanbileg don't own any livestock. No Land MPs B.Narankhuu, S.Odontuya, D.Gankhuyag, N.Batbayar, D.Bat-Erdene, S.Demberel, S.Oyun, Ya.Sanjmyatav, D.Khayankhyarvaa, M.Enkhsaikhan, D.Dorligjav, L.Enkh-Amgalan, D.Ganbat, S.Ganbaatar, S.Bayartsogt, M.Zorigt, G.Bayarsaikhan, and L.Tsogt, as well as Prime Minister Ch.Saikhanbileg and President Ts.Elbegdorj, don't have any land in their possession or ownership. Biggest Debt MP D.Zorigt has the most debt among politicians of Mongolia, with a debt of 4,250,000,000 MNT. Next comes MP L.Enkh-Amgalan, with a loan of 2,700,000,000 MNT. Other MPs with substantial loans include D.Arvin, J.Batzandan, Su.Batbold, Z.Bayanselenge, Kh.Bolorchuluun, B.Bolor, D.Ganbat, S.Ganbaatar, Ts.Davaasuren, D.Gankhuyag, D.Lundeejantsan, S.Odontuya, Ts.Oyungerel, Yo.Otgonbayar, D.Sumiyabazar, M.Sonompil, O.Sodbileg, Sh.Tuvdendorj, D.Khayankhyarvaa, Ch.Ulaan, U.Enkhtuvshin, and N.Enkhbold. No Jewelry Prime Minister Ch.Saikhanbileg, MPs N.Altankhuyag, L.Tsog, R.Gonchigdorj, A.Bakei, O.Baasankhuu, D.Arvin, R.Amarjargal, B.BatErdene, J.Batsuuri, Su.Batbold, N.Battsereg, D.Battsogt, G.Bayarsaikhan, Kh.Bolorchuluun, L.Bold, S.Bayartsogt, D.Ganbat, R.Burmaa, B.Garamgaibaatar, D.Gankhuyag, L.Gantumur, S.Demberel, D.Demberel, Ts.Dashdorj, M.Zorigt, S.Odontuya, N.Nomtoibayar, Ts.Oyungerel, D.Terbishdagva, B.Choijilsuren, S.Erdene, L.Purevsuren, L.Erdenechimeg, and D.Erdenebat have claimed that they don't own any piece of jewelry on their income statements. No Savings MPs L.Tsog, D.Arvin, Z.Bayanselenge, and L.Enkh-Amgalan stated that they don't have any money in their savings account. IN DETAIL The following is a detailed income statement submitted by the most powerful figures of the Mongolian state. elbgee enkhee saikhnaa