
ICT EXPO 2016 commences

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ICT EXPO 2016 commences

ICT EXPO 2016 opened at Misheel Expo on May 18, marking the 95th anniversary of the development of modern communications in Mongolia and World Information Society Day, which is observed on May 17. The expo will continue through May 22. "IT is a symbol of speed, passion, scientific development, and innovation; this area is where professionals and amateurs meet. It is an honor to introduce and promote to the public the boundless information, innovations, and benefits of communications," said PM Ch.Saikhanbileg during the expo's opening ceremony. He added, "I'm confident that the 10th ICT EXPO, with the motto 'Limitless Opportunities', has captivating exhibits, the latest know-how, and the best solutions that will attract domestic and foreign investors and creators. "The Mongolian government believes that development of the information and telecommunications industry is a top priority: digitalizing different state services, introducing LTE or 4G services through mobile phone service providers, balancing prices for internet users in the capital and in other provinces, creating stable infrastructure to enable fast internet in ger district households, launching a domestic roaming service, and supporting professional organizations and private institutions to create the legal environment to introduce a service allowing the changing of service providers without changing a number," said Ch.Saikhanbileg. The PM said that he was open to new creative ideas and solutions from private and professional organizations aimed at improving the policy and activities of the information and telecommunications department of the government. Two types of home automation technology were presented at ICT EXPO 2016. OD Innovation company unveiled an automated home and building system allowing for the monitoring of outdoor cameras and indoor air sensors, and also controlling lights and curtains. Amotress LLC's DOBU system allows the user to control lighting and appliances, and suggests electricity saving methods to the user. DOBU was recently launched in the U.S. market, and they have received an offer to sell the system in Kazakhstan. Mobile provider Unitel introduced its 4G service at the expo. The company promises that their 4G LTE service gives their customers access to a faster and more productive internet network. Smartphone applications and 3D printers were also represented at ICT 2016. The Ultimaker 2 Extended prints 3D objects in a bio-based plastic. The 3D printer can print a three-centimeter tall object with detailed sculpting in 40 minutes. Marchaakhai is a smartphone application developed in Mongolia to help children gain aesthetic knowledge, skills to better understand their environment, and improve communication skills through a Mongolian lens of culture and tradition.