
Permission to plant trees not required

  • By chagy5
  •   -  
  • 2024-04-08
  • 863
  • 0
Permission to plant trees not required

Information was spreading on social media that not only companies and organizations, but also citizens, were prohibited from planting trees without the permission of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. In relation to that, the head of the Forestry Agency, B.Oyunsanaa denied this false information. He said, “Enterprises, institutions, and families do not need to obtain a permit to plant trees and shrubs to keep their yards and surroundings green”. 

The head of the agency further said, “On the other hand, enterprises that operate exclusively in the field of tree breeding and are interested in doing business, need to participate in tenders and procurements announced by the government, and supply large quantities of seeds and saplings, and must have a special license. Since it is a business activity, there should be certain controls and regulations. At least, the problem of the quality of seeds and seedlings will be raised. Therefore, certain criteria related to responsibility such as having their own land and having a forest engineer are set when granting a special license for tree propagation to enterprises. No changes have been made to the licensing process. No new laws and regulations have been adopted, the previous system remains the same”. 

He emphasized that companies interested in planting and breeding trees are being supported more than ever in order to achieve the goals of the “Billion Trees” national campaign. Since the implementation of this program and campaign, the number of tree nurseries has doubled and now the number stands at 452.