
Female boxers seize 2 silvers and 4 bronze

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The International Class A Boxing Tournament was held in Khabarovsk, Russia last week. Mongolian women’s boxers won two silver and four bronze medals at the competition.

More specifically, B.Janargul (Twin Gloves Sport Club) and M.Tsetsegdari (Khangarid Sport Club) won silver medals in the women’s 50-kilogram and 66-kilogram weight classes, respectively.

A.Khulan of Twin Gloves Sport Club (54-kilogram), B.Zoljargal of Khangarid Sport Club (57-kilogram), T.Nomin-Erdene of Khilchin Sport Club (60-kilogram) and E.Namuun of Golden Glove Sport Club (75-kilogram) won bronze medals.

Advisor to the President of the IBA, First Vice President of the Mongolian Boxing Federation Ts.Bat-Enkhand and Secretary of the Mongolian Boxing Association Ts.Batnasan congratulated these boxes on their success at the international competition.