
Partnership Program to pave export channel for local businesses

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Partnership Program to pave export channel for local businesses

The Partnership Program 2.0 launched an introductory meeting on July 7 at the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The second phase of the project aims to support the expansion of the export market and seek new export opportunities for local businesses. During the meeting, the project’s Coordinator B.Dulguun presented a speech on “Project solution for promoting exports”, while Senior Business Development Consultant and Team Leader of the Partnership Program M.Battulga delved into “Financial Partnership for Exporters”.

“Above all else, entrepreneurs need to be well prepared to be able to compete in international markets. Offering export insurance can incentivize entrepreneurs to expand their exporting activities,” said B.Dulguun.

“Businesses must work together in a cluster format to be able to stay competitive with their exports for a long time,” M.Battulga stressed before advising businesses to plan their entry into international markets and ways to build its presence rather than focusing only on export-oriented product development.

Business development consultor P.Munkhbat stressed that detailed studies, research and analysis are required for developing accurate and effective export plans. Meanwhile, expert G.Bat-Orshikh recommended companies to improve their implementation of environmental and social management plans in conformity with gender and social protection standards.

The Partnership Program 2.0 is open for application through August 15 for small and medium enterprises and non-mining producers seeking help for boosting their export capacity. The program is run by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, Export Promotion Project, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency of Mongolia, World Bank, and Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.