
Meat price drop

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Meat price drop

The Ulaanbaatar Statistic Office presented its weekly price survey of consumer goods, indicating a drop in meat prices.

In the fourth week of March 2020, the average price of a kilogram of bone-in lamb cost 9,694 MNT. Compared to the previous week, the price of bone-in lamb decreased by 386 MNT (3.8 percent) per kilogram and lamb fillet price decreased by 387 MNT (4.1 percent) per kilogram.

According to last week's observation, lamb is sold at the cheapest price of 7,800 MNT at Kharkhorin food market, was most expensive, at 13,500 MNT per kilogram, at Mercury food market.

The average price of a kilogram of bone-in beef was 11,616 MNT. Compared to the previous week, the price of bone-in beef decreased by 490 MNT (4.1 percent) and beef fillet price was down by 671 MNT (4.7 percent). According to last week's observation, beef is most affordable at Kharkhorin food market, at 9,800 MNT, and most expensive at Mercury food market, at 14,000 MNT.

In addition, compared to the previous week, the price of Mongolian potatoes decreased by 1.7 percent to reach 947 MNT per kilogram, Mongolian carrots increased by 3.2 percent to reach 1,847 MNT, and cabbage price increased by 0.5 percent to reach 1,920 MNT.