
G.Bayasgalan appointed as Constitutional Court judge

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G.Bayasgalan appointed as Constitutional Court judge

During its Thursday session, Parliament discussed the replacement of Judge of the Constitutional Court D.Ganzorig as his six-year tenure is concluding and appointed Deputy Head of the Cabinet Secretariat G.Bayasgalan as Constitutional Court judge.

Some 36 out of 46 lawmakers in attendance (78.3 percent) voted for G.Bayasgalan’s nomination, and agreed to appoint him as judge of the Constitutional Court.

During the meeting, many lawmakers criticized the Constitutional Court for making “political” decisions, and wanted G.Bayasgalan to serve in the Constitutional Court as the “custodian” of the Constitution and ensure justice.

Most lawmakers in attendance underlined that as G.Bayasgalan has extensive experience in legal and administrative fields since he has been working in the state for 26 years, he is a suitable candidate to serve as a Constitutional Court judge.

About G.Bayasgalan

G.Bayasgalan finished the secondary school of Bayankhongor Province in 1981 and graduated from Moscow State University in legal studies in 1985.

From 1986 to 2016, he worked at Bayankhongor Province’s Prosecutor’s Office and at the Attorney General’s Office as prosecutor, at the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs as a department head, and as adviser to the chairman of the Mongolian People’s Party (MPP).

After MPP won the 2016 parliamentary election, G.Bayasgalan became state secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs, and the government transferred him from the ministry to the Cabinet Secretariat in May 2018.