
Thousands demand M.Enkhbold’s dismissal

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Thousands demand M.Enkhbold’s dismissal
The march in Sukhbaatar Square in progress

At noon on December 27, Sukhbaatar Square was crowded with thousands of people who joined the march demanding the dismissal of Speaker of Parliament M.Enkhbold.

Lawmakers L.Bold, T.Ayursaikhan, L.Oyun-Erdene, J.Batzandan and Kh.Nyambaatar spearheaded the December 27 march.

The organizers of the march claimed that more than 25,000 people from Ulaanbaatar’s nine districts and some provinces arrived in Sukhbaatar Square to express their voices for justice and support the lawmakers’ activities to dismantle the “MANAN” (joint acronym of the Mongolian People’s Party and Democratic Party) regime.

The protestors shouted, “M.Enkhbold resign! M.Enkhbold, get out of Mongolia’s state!”

During the march, the lawmakers organizing the march entered the State Palace to hand over the protest’s demand for M.Enkhbold’s dismissal to him personally, but they could not give M.Enkhbold the demand as he wasn’t in his office.

L.Oyun-Erdene stressed, “M.Enkhbold is shocked at the march because he never imagined that so many people would protest against him, which is why he is afraid to see us.”

Lawmaker T.Ayursaikhan said, “M.Enkhbold has had almost all high-ranking positions within Mongolia’s state such as prime minister, deputy prime minister, speaker, vice-speaker, and mayor of Ulaanbaatar, but he has accomplished nothing for Mongolians, the state and the country’s development. He stole tons of money from Mongolian mineral resources, Ulaanbaatar’s land, and other valuable assets by abusing his power. Today we already reached the time to break the strong and enduring wall that protects M.Enkhbold’s regime and injustice hurting the people.”

Lawmaker L.Oyun-Erdene said, “If M.Enkhbold doesn’t resign until January 10, we will hold marches nationwide on that day, and if M.Enkhbold doesn’t receive our demand from that march, we will take the next steps of the protest.”   

Some shared photos of mini-vans and microbuses brining a lot of people to Sukhbaatar Square. People on social media commented, “They are paying people to bring them to the march”.

Many seniors and young people who joined the march in Sukhbaatar Square said that nobody asked them to come to the march and they are marching for justice.

Some lawyers criticized the ringleaders of the protest L.Bold, T.Ayursaikhan, L.Oyun-Erdene, J.Batzandan and Kh.Nyambaatar for making political moves to gain public favor by fighting against M.Enkhbold, whose reputation has already plummeted amongst the public.

The lawyers said that if the five lawmakers really wants to kick M.Enkhbold out, they can put forward a proposal to amend the Act of Parliament to include a part to dismiss the speaker with the majority vote, but they didn’t do that and they are just “pretending to fight” against a “monster” named M.Enkhbold.

The lawmakers leading the protest say that amending the Act of Parliament for the dismissal of M.Enkhbold is a not good way noting that the process of the amendments will take a long time, several months or years.

They also suspect that the majority of the State Structure Standing Committee supports M.Enkhbold, which means the amendments will most likely not make it to parliamentary review.