
22 lawmakers call on MPs to revoke their immunities in support of SME scandal investigation

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22 lawmakers call on MPs to revoke their immunities in support of SME scandal investigation


On Tuesday, lawmakers led by J.Bat-Erdene held a press conference about revoking the immunities of lawmakers engaged in small and medium-sized (SME) loan misappropriation.

J.Bat-Erdene stated, “Abusing assets of the government’s most important fund to create more jobs and promote poverty eradication is a reprehensible action for lawmakers, this is why many believe that Cabinet ministers and legislators and their associates who engaged in SME loan misappropriation must take ethical responsibilities, but none of them are making an attempt to take ethical responsibility for their wrongdoing, so 22 lawmakers are ready to revoke our immunities to call on other lawmakers who are not making an initiative to move the investigation process of lawmakers’ engagement in the loan misappropriation forward.”

J.Munkhbat said that some lawmakers, especially ones serving as Cabinet ministers, are trying to turn public attention on the SME loan scandal away onto another issue, which is why the 22 lawmakers decided to call on other lawmakers to revoke their immunities to not interrupt the investigation process of law enforcement agencies on the loan misappropriation case.

J.Bat-Erdene said that the 22 lawmaker submitted a letter that outlines they are ready to revoke their immunities to Head of Parliament’s Sub-Committee on Ethics S.Byambatsogt. The 22 lawmakers called on the other 53 lawmakers to join their initiative.