
​Irkutsk mayor visits Ulaanbaatar to promote mutual cooperation

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​Irkutsk mayor visits Ulaanbaatar to promote mutual cooperation

Mayor S.Batbold meets with Berdnikov

Mayor of Russia’s Irkutsk City Dmitry Berdnikov paid an official visit to Mongolia this week.

On Monday, Mayor of Ulaanbaatar S.Batbold received Berdnikov to discuss the relations and cooperation between the two cities. The two mayors renewed the partnership agreement between the two cities.

During their meeting, both mayors noted that since the agreement to establish sister city relationship between the two cities was signed in 1996, the cities started active cooperation.

The two mayors underlined that as the partnership agreement was updated, and as a result the two cities will have more collaboration opportunities in many different areas, such as education, urban planning, and public transport.

They hope that the updated partnership agreement will support exports of agricultural products such as meat, wool and cashmere.

The sides also exchanged views on ways to develop tourism between the two cities and support Mongolian companies, which are interested in opening their operations in Irkutsk.