
Cabinet reviews issues regarding investment, infrastructure, tax and social affairs

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Cabinet reviews issues regarding investment, infrastructure, tax and social affairs

During its weekly meeting, Cabinet adopted the investment program 2018-2021 based on proposals from all ministries and recommendations from the Mongolia Economic Forum 2018. Details of financial resources and executors of power plant, refinery and railway megaprojects with completed feasibility studies were outlined in the program. Cabinet members agreed to implement a project to build a 414-km railway between Tavan Tolgoi coal mine and Zuunbayan soum of Dornogovi Province through a concession agreement, and they agreed to establish Zuunbayan Railway Company, which will implement the project, and state-owned Mongolian Railway Company will own 51 percent of the new company’s shares. Cabinet decided to postpone the privatization of thermal power plants with strategic importance until after further reviews. Ministers agreed to put forward a proposal to ratify an agreement between Mongolia and China’s Macao special administrative region on the transfer of sentenced persons to Parliament. After swapping prisoners, 12 Mongolian citizens sentenced in Macao will be able to complete their remaining sentences in Mongolia. Cabinet adopted air service agreements between the government of Mongolia and governments of Myanmar and Cambodia. During the meeting, Cabinet also approved a resolution to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of state honored artists G.Gombosuren and E.Oyun, and state honored scientist Sh.Natsagdorj. The prime minister directed some ministers to make plans to respond to proposals and requests from people during his tours in Govi-Altai and Bayankhongor provinces. After the meeting, Minister of Finance Ch.Khurelbaatar stated that Cabinet reviewed the overview for amendments to tax and other laws under the government’s initiative for enhancing the legal and regulatory environment of the nation’s tax system, and agreed to submit the package bill to Parliament. The minister noted that since February 23, the Ministry of Finance hosted a number of discussions with taxation departments from 21 provinces and nine districts on tax reform. He added that throughout the discussions across the country, the ministry received nearly 5,000 proposals, and the government has decided to amend 20 laws after consolidating the proposals gathered from the discussions.