
UNFPA and Women Entrepreneurs to raise funds for domestic violence survivors

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This year, International Women’s Day comes on the heels of an unprecedented national and global movement for women’s rights, equality and justice. Sexual harassment, violence and discrimination against women have captured headlines and public discourse, propelled by a rising determination for change. In celebration of International Women’s Day, which marks the achievements accomplished by women – in particular young, strong, innovative women – the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) is collaborating with the Women Entrepreneurs of Mongolia (WEM). The two organizations kicked off their partnership with a press conference and art exhibit by leading Mongolian female artists. When women are empowered, and financially independent, they have more power and control over their lives. This enables women who are experiencing violence to escape the situation. The WEM understands the importance of this, hence they have agreed to donate a percentage of the profits from the Mayara product line to the UNFPA supported One Stop Service Centers (OSSCs) for victims/survivors of domestic violence. “The Women Entrepreneurs of Mongolia is exemplary of young, strong, innovative women who are pressing for progress in Mongolia. I am delighted to announce this official partnership between UNFPA and WEM. Your purchase of Mayara products will support victims of domestic violence in Mongolia,” said Naomi Kitahara, UNFPA representative in Mongolia. In 2017, across the country, the six UNFPA supported OSSCs served more than 2,000 victims of domestic violence. Many of the OSSC clients often lack basic supplies. Answering the call, the WEM agreed to donate a percentage of the profits from the Mongol Queen Line for the purchase of essential supplies for the OSSCs for victims of domestic violence. “Giving back to Mongolia is a key mission of the WEM, particularly to support women. Through this partnership, we have committed to donating a percentage of the profits from our products to the UNFPA supported OSSCs,” said E.Azjargal, founder and board director of  WEM. The OSSCs provide a range of services, including legal, psycho-social, health care and temporary accommodation all under one roof. Therefore, it prevents survivors from having to travel to multiple sites to seek help and being re-traumatized. The centers are supported by UNFPA, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and the government of Mongolia.