
Appointment of new ministers controversial among parliamentarians  

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Appointment of new ministers controversial among parliamentarians  

The 11 new ministers of the Cabinet officially took office on Monday, after the Prime Minister submitted nominations for the new ministers with the omission of four of his original nominees, but the final appointments have still resulted in controversy.  The following are comments from some parliamentarians on the appointment of the new ministers submitted by the Mongolian People’s Party. Togoo,  Enhbayar J, Byambajav Ts (1)MP J.Enkhbayar, member of the MPP: “Discussion about the election results still hasn’t died down. I hope MPP authorities remember what they promised when they met the voters. The MPP’s promise that gained great trust and support from the voters was to appoint highly educated, specialized personnel to all levels of state service. To be honest, we do not approve of the appointments for ministers. We [the MPP] are not keeping our  word.  The bottom line is, a political party is not a company. It should hold governance, making  its foundation the public's support. We should not leave the nation’s wishes behind." MP J.Batzandan, Deputy Chairman of the DP group in Parliament: "The MPP took over governance promising to compose a professional Cabinet. But, in reality, the MPP appointments are exactly the opposite of what they promised. Unprofessional people have been appointed to chair the professional ministries. For instance, they are appointing  an individual who is not a lawyer as Justice Minister, and a someone who is not an economist as Finance Minister. Most of the newly appointed ministers of the MPP are sponsors of the MPP who donated large amounts of money to the party. The MPP has started trading state positions to businessmen. The foundation of mixing business and state affairs has been laid. Javhlan gishuun Muugi +MP S.Javhlan, the sold independent member of Parliament: "I remember the MPP started opposing the issue of multiple roles in the parliament in  2008. MPP supporters and members held a protest at the central square opposing the practice of individuals holding multiple roles in the government. "But today, the actions of the MPP are contradicting their promises and their efforts. The MPP does not stand firm on their promises and views. "Generally, I think that even if an individual holds a single or multiple roles in government, he or she should have a heart when executing his or her roles. But I don’t see enthusiasm and commitment. I believe that with several committed and enthusiastic people, state affairs could be successful." MP O.Baasankhuu, member of the MPRP: "According to the law, a bill on the structure and composition of the Cabinet should be submitted to the President, and should receive a response within three days of its  submission. The President has the authority to veto the proposal. "Generally, what I see now is that the MPP group in the parliament is making all its decisions outside of the law. This resembles 1990, when one political party used to govern the state."