
109 personnel to be transferred under changes to Cabinet

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109 personnel to be transferred under changes to Cabinet

Under the former Government for Changes, the Cabinet operated with 15 ministries employing 1,490 personnel, and the 13 ministries of the new Cabinet will be employing 1,381 personnel, cutting the jobs of 109 personnel. During the development of the organizational structure of the new cabinet's ministries, Prime Minister J.Erdenebat said he focused on the integration of policy concerning each ministry when deciding on its leadership and organization, on eliminating the functional overlap of state administrative organizations. The Prime Minister also announced in a Cabinet meeting that departments in ministries will not have deputy directors, and that public servants in modified and liquidated ministries will be transferred to related positions with governmental agencies. In addition, adhering to the state's policy to industrialize Mongolia, the new government has decided to establish industrialization and investment departments in the strategy and policy planning departments of the ministries. Last week, President Ts.Elbegdorj said he opposed J.Erdenebat's proposal to dissolve the Ministry of Industry, resulting in the Prime Minister's decision to form industrialization department within each ministry.