
Timetable of 2024 parliamentary elections

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  • 2024-02-28
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Timetable of 2024 parliamentary elections

introducing the following timetable for the 2024 parliamentary elections which was approved by the General Election Commission (GEC) of Mongolia.  


Before February 1

Parliament will schedule and announce the regular election before February 1 and determine the date of voting in accordance with Article 9.1 of the Law on Parliamentary Elections and the Parliamentary Resolution No. 116.   

Before February 1

Parliament shall establish electoral constituencies, the number of parliamentary seats and the center of the constituencies before February 1 under Article 12.1 of the aforementioned law and Parliamentary Resolution No. 112.

Electoral constituencies will be set up taking into account the population of provinces, districts, administration and territorial units, the size and location of land, as well as the number of mandates per constituency shall be determined.

If two or more provinces and districts are included in one constituency, an election committee of the province or district with the most voters shall be responsible for organizing the elections in the constituency.  

Before March 1

Article 13.1 of the Law on Parliamentary Elections stipulates that in order to collect and count votes, the soum and district councils will establish electoral precincts before March 1, and announce the territory of the precincts.  

Before March 3

Within three days from the date of establishment of the electoral precincts, the soum and district councils will submit the information specified in Article 13.1 of the aforesaid law to the local offices and departments of the General Authority for State Registration (GASR). 

Before March 6

Local offices and departments of the GASR will compile the information specified in Article 13.6 of the law within their territory and submit it to the state administrative organization in charge of state registration within three days. 

Electoral organization

Throughout the election process

In accordance with Article 14.1 of the law, elections will be organized by the GEC at the national level. The GEC is obliged to manage the central and branch committees for organizing elections for citizens living and studying abroad, and provincial, soum, capital and district committees.

Before April 19

Article 16.1 of the law states that at least 70 days before the day of polling, the GEC will set up provincial and capital election committees with a chairperson, secretary and five or seven members, taking into account the proposals submitted by the respective local councils, and inform the public. 

Before April 21

The GEC, taking into account the proposal of the central state administrative body in charge of foreign affairs, will establish a central commission responsible for organizing, providing unified management and supervision of voting for citizens in foreign countries at least 60 days before the date of voting in foreign countries. The central commission will consist of a chairperson, secretary and nine or 10 members.

Before April 29

Under Article 17.1 of the law, the provincial and capital electoral commissions will form soum and district committees with a chairperson, secretary and three or five members, taking into account the proposals submitted by the respective local councils at least 60 days before the date of voting. They will also inform the public within their jurisdiction. 

Before May 6

The central commission shall establish a branch commission at least 45 days before the date of voting abroad with a chairperson and two or four members at the Diplomatic Mission.

Before May 14

The soum and district electoral committees will create a precinct committee with a chairperson and six or eight members at least 45 days before the polling day, and inform the public in the area under jurisdiction.

List of Voters

From April 29 to June 29

In accordance with Article 25.1 of the law, internal migration will be suspended 60 days before the polling day and will be resumed on the day after the polling day.

From April 1 to June 28 

The list of voters will be posted on the website. The state administrative organization in charge of state registration will compile the information on the registration of parents or mothers of eligible voters on the voter list and their own names, age, gender, ID number and address of permanent residence. The list will be posted on its website from April 1 to the end of the election.

Before May 1

Authorized organizations shall submit information on citizens of voting age in paper and digital form.  

In specific, the organizations mentioned below shall submit the information of the following citizens, such as name, ID number, date of birth, gender and other necessary information, to the state administrative body in charge of state registration in paper or electronic form before May 1:

  • The Supreme Court will send the information of citizens of voting age who have been found to be incompetent by a court decision.
  • Information on citizens of voting age who are serving a prison sentence and who have been arrested in connection with criminal cases shall be notified by the General Executive Agency of Court Decision. 
  • Information on citizens who have traveled to a foreign country for a period of 60 days or more shall be provided by the state administrative organization in charge of border protection.
  • The state administrative organization in charge of state border protection will send the information of military servicemen who do not have registered permanent residence addresses.
  • The National Police Agency will give the data of police officers and officers of domestic military units who do not have permanent residence address records.
  • Information on people who became citizens of Mongolia, re-established their citizenship, or lost their citizenship will be provided by the state administrative organization in charge of foreign citizens and citizenship issues.

Before June 3

In accordance with Article 20.4 of the law, the state administrative organization in charge of state registration shall reflect some changes in the list of names of voters posted on the website. The list shall be made in paper or electronic form, and the list of names of voters made in paper form will be submitted to the electoral precincts through the local offices and departments of the state registration organization at least 25 days before the day of polling. 

The following are the changes that must be written in the list:

  • Changes made in accordance with voters’ complaints related to unregistered or incorrect names in the voter list
  • Address changes of voters
  • Changes related to voters’ names, surnames and gender registered in civil registration
  • An information on the state registration of a deceased citizen

Before June 25

The state administrative organization in charge of state registration shall submit the voters’ list to electoral precincts through its local offices and departments at least three days before the polling day, reflecting the changes made on the grounds specified in some articles of the law and the data changes of voters living abroad. 

From the date of receipt of the voters’ list 

In accordance with Article 20.10 of the law, from the day electoral precincts receive the voter list, voters will be able to get acquainted with the list. 

On June 8 and June 25

The list of names of voters will be issued in digital form. The state administrative organization in charge of state registration shall electronically issue the list at least 20 and three days each before the polling day, upon the request of a person authorized to represent a party or coalition registered to participate in regular elections.

Before June 14

Voters have the right to access their own or family members’ information reflected in the voter list, and if it is not registered or is incorrect, they can file a complaint on behalf of themselves or a family member to an authorized employee or the state registration organization in writing or electronically at least 14 days before the date of voting. 

Moreover, voters can check whether they are registered in the voters’ list at least 14 days before the polling day.

In addition, the transfer registration of the following voters will be decided at least 14 days before the election day, or before June 14, based on the official letter of the respective organization:

  • Employee of the election organization
  • Civil registrar
  • IT team member
  • Information technology steward
  • A police officer working to ensure the security of polling stations and the election process

If the following voters move from one constituency to another, their transfer can be done at least 14 days before the polling day: 

  • Candidate
  • Candidate manager
  • Deputy candidate assistant

Before June 25

Based on the civil state registration database, the respective state administrative organization will make inquiries about complaints about citizen’s information and changes related to the civil state registration in accordance with Article 23.1 of the law. Changes related to the voters’ information shall be registered in the voters’ list at least three days before the polling day.

Before June 15 

Citizens living or studying abroad will be registered to cast a vote. They must notify and express their intention to vote at least five days before the date of voting via phone, e-mail, fax or in person at the diplomatic mission.

Registration of parties, coalitions and candidates

From April 26 to 28

Parties and coalitions will declare their participation in the elections. Parties and coalitions can submit only one request to take part in the election to the GEC at least 60 days before the polling day, stating that they will comply with the Constitution of Mongolia, the Law on Parliamentary Elections, and other relevant laws.

Within five days of receipt

The GEC will decide whether to register parties and coalitions within five days after receiving their documents for participation in the election. 

From May 14 to 20

Article 29.1 of the election law stipulates that parties and coalitions registered for the elections will start nominations 45 days before the date of voting and finish within a week. 

Independent candidates will also nominate themselves for the elections within the aforementioned period of time. 

Within May 23

Candidates must declare their income and assets. They will submit their declarations of assets and income to the Independent Authority Against Corruption (IAAC) within three days after the completion of the nomination process prescribed by law. It does not apply to persons who have submitted their declaration of assets and income in accordance with the Anti-Corruption Law.

Within May 24

The IAAC shall submit the inquiry on whether all the candidates have declared their assets and income to the GEC within one day after the expiration of the period specified in Article 32.4 of the law.

Within May 25

Nominated parties and coalitions will submit their documents to the GEC within five days from the date specified in the law on the nomination process.

On top of that, independent candidates will send their documents to the commission within the same period of time. 

Within June 1

The GEC will make a decision on whether to register the candidates’ documents within one week after the end of the period for accepting the documents and issue a resolution.

Before June 3

Re-registration and re-nomination will take place. In case of refusal to register as a candidate, documents required for re-registration can be submitted to the GEC at least 25 days before the date of voting.

In the following cases, another person may be nominated at least 25 days before the election day:

  • A candidate is dead
  • A candidate is convicted by the court

Before June 10

The GEC will accept the documents submitted for re-registration and decide whether to register before the deadline specified in Article 32.12 of the law. If a decision is made to register a candidate, the commission will issue the candidate’s identity card 18 days before the polling day and inform the public.

Starting from June 10

From the date of issuing the candidate’s identity card, the IAAC will openly upload the assets and income declarations of all candidates on its website under Article 32.15 of the Law on Parliamentary Elections.

Election action plan and campaign

From March 22 to 24 and between April 22 and 24

Election action plans will be submitted to the Mongolian National Audit Office (MNAO) for a conclusion. In particular, parties and coalitions shall send action plans before March 25, and independent candidates will submit before April 25.

By April 7

Parties, coalitions and independent candidates shall submit their donation reports specified in Article 38.13 of the law to the MNAO for an opinion within the first week of April of the regular election year. 

Within five days after the MNAO conclusion

If it is concluded that the election action plan does not meet the legal requirements, it will be submitted for re-issue within five days on the basis of eliminating the violations.

Before April 29

The MNAO will issue its findings on action plans and donation reports at least 60 days before the date of voting and submit them to the GEC.

Moreover, before April 29, the location of campaign billboards to be placed free of charge on public streets and squares shall be determined at least 60 days before the polling day.

Before May 26

The MNAO will issue a conclusion on whether independent candidates’ action plans meet the requirements set forth in the election law at least 33 days before the date of voting and submit it to the GEC.

Before May 29

If radio and television, other than public media outlets, introduce election campaign programs, the notice of introduction of election campaign together with the relevant documents and information prescribed by law shall be submitted and registered to the Communications Regulatory Commission (CRC) at least 30 days before the voting date. 

Before June 3

The CRC will review the proposals submitted by the public on the schedule and time of free campaigns and debate programs from radio and television, and approve their schedule and time at least seven days before the start of the election campaign.

From June 10 to August 12

Opinions about election action plans and donation reports will be posted publicly on the MNAO’s website. The office will openly upload the report, election action plan and conclusions made thereon as specified in Article 38.13 of the law starting from 18 days before the date of polling until the end of the day when parties, coalitions and independent candidates submit their election expense reports in accordance with the law.

From June 10 to 26

Election campaigns will start on the day candidates are issued with identity cards and end 24 hours before the polling day. 

Within June 13

If a candidate uses the website specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of Article 47.1 of the law, the website will be registered with the election committee of the province or capital within three days after receiving the candidate’s identity card.

Within July 7

The radio and television service providers authorized to introduce election campaigns shall publish their reports within 10 days after the end of the election campaign.

By July 17

The radio and televisions authorized to broadcast election campaigns will submit the public report to the public administrative body in charge of fair competition within five working days after the public notification in accordance with Article 39.5 of the law. 

From May 1 to June 24

Registration of an employee of the organization in charge of elections will be made.

A request for an employee ID card of an organization in charge of elections of a party or coalition will be sent as follows from the date of the decision on the registration of parties and coalition to two days before the end of the election campaign:

  • A request will be made to the GEC to obtain an employee ID card of the organization in charge of elections operating at the national level
  • A request for an employee ID card of an organization in charge of elections operating at the provincial level will be sent to the provincial election committee 
  • A request for an employee ID card of an organization in charge of elections operating at the level of soum and district should be submitted to the respective election committees 

From June 2 to 24

Candidates’ manager, deputy assistant, or agitator will be registered. 

A request for a candidate’s manager, deputy assistant, or agitator’s license shall be submitted as follows from the decision to register the candidate to two days before the end of the election campaign:

  • A request for a candidate’s manager’s ID card will be made to the district or central-provincial election committee
  • A deputy assistant’s ID card will be issued by the provincial or capital election committee
  • A request to obtain an agitator’s license will be sent to the district election committee

Before June 21

A person authorized to appoint observers will make a written request to employ and register them in accordance with the procedure approved by the GEC and submit it to the precincts at least seven days before the polling day.

Before June 23

The precincts will receive the requests, examine them, and issue observers’ cards at least five days before the voting date. 

Before June 13

The authorized person will submit a request to the GEC at least seven days before the day of the election that will take place abroad in order to appoint observers for the elections for citizens living abroad.

Voting and results

From June 15 until the end of the voting day

The electoral precincts will announce the number, name, address and location of the polling stations.

Starting from June 1

The electoral precincts will announce the date, time and location of polling stations to voters in foreign countries until the day of voting.

Before June 21

In accordance with the instructions approved by the GEC, the related governors will prepare the necessary items for voting at least seven days before the polling day.

Before June 17

The heads of the diplomatic missions of Mongolia will prepare the booths and ballot boxes required for voters to cast their votes secretly, at least three days before the day of voting abroad.

From 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., on between June 20 and 23 (local time of the country)

The date of taking votes from citizens abroad will be set by Parliament based on the proposal of the GEC, and the date of taking votes abroad is up to four days. 

Votes of people living abroad shall be taken at the polling stations designated by the branch electoral commissions on the voting day determined by the law, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. local time of the country.

Before June 21

A request to vote via a portable sealed ballot box will be sent. Under Articles 63.1.1 to 63.1.4 of the law, a voter shall submit a request to vote via a portable sealed ballot box to the related organization and the electoral precincts. They will send the request along with the conclusion at least seven days before the date of voting to the election committee of the district.

Before June 25

The GEC will organize the delivery of the ballots to the polling stations at least three days before the polling day.

A person who will vote via a portable ballot box due to health conditions must submit a medical certificate along with a request at least three days before the polling day.

From 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on June 27

A voting via a portable sealed ballot box will take place between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on the day before the polling day.

From 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on June 28

A voting will take place at the polling stations from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 

By July 13

The GEC will submit the results of the elections to Parliament and the president of Mongolia within 15 days after the end of the election.

Election expenses and reports 

Before March 1

The MNAO will determine the maximum amount of election expenditures for parties, coalitions, and independent candidates before March 1 in accordance with the methodology specified in Article 50.2 of the law.

Before June 13

Parties, coalitions and independent candidates are obliged to inform the MNAO about their bank account numbers for their election expenses at least 15 days before the date of voting.

From the date of opening the expense bank account

Citizens, legal entities, parties or coalitions may donate to the election expenses bank account for their election activities without exceeding the amount stipulated in Article 54.1 of the law after the date of opening an expense account.

Monetary donations can be up to 10 million MNT for citizens and up to 30 million MNT for legal entities. 

From June 10 to 26

Non-monetary donations can be given to candidates during the period from the start of the election campaign to the end. The valuation of non-monetary donations will be determined by the donation agreement based on the average market exchange rate, and the valuation must not exceed the maximum amount of donations made by citizens and legal entities.

From June 2 to July 28

During the period from the date of registration of candidates to the end of the date of filing the election expense report, expenditures can be made for the election campaign.

On June 25

A report on donations and election expenses will be made public three days before the day of polling, and will be sent to the MNAO.

For parties and coalitions within August 12, for candidates within July 28

Within 45 days from the day of polling, parties and coalitions, and within 30 days, candidates will be audited by a private audit legal entity. It will issue an opinion on the expense report and submit it to the MNAO.

By July 28

A director of the bank where the election expense account was opened or a head of the branch shall issue a statement of all transactions of the candidates’ bank accounts and submit it to the MNAO within 30 days from the date of the election.

For parties and coalitions within October 11, for candidates within September 26

The MNAO will review the expense report within 60 days from the date of receiving it and make the results public. Individuals who donated one million MNT or more and legal entities who donated two million MNT or more will be publicly informed.

By October 15

The expenditure and performance report specified in Articles 10.1 to 10.4 of the law will be submitted to the MNAO by October 15.