
Sustainable cashmere day raises awareness on environmentally friendly livestock production

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Sustainable cashmere day raises awareness on environmentally friendly livestock production

        The Mongolian Sustainable Cashmere Platform at UNDP and the Improving Adaptive Capacity and Risk Management of Rural Communities in Mongolia (ADAPT) project funded by the Green Climate Fund jointly organized the first ever Sustainable Cashmere Day-2023 event. The event took place in Ulaanbaatar bringing together government officials, the private sector, herders and cooperatives, academy, international organizations, and buyers to discuss importance of sustainable cashmere and Mongolia’s efforts towards making the cashmere more sustainable.

The goals and priorities of the Government of Mongolia on adaptation and mitigation of climate change were discussed on the event as well as the requirements and importance of sustainable and environmentally friendly livestock production. The event aimed to raise public awareness of environmentally friendly and sustainable cashmere, to support collaboration between stakeholders, and to promote industry’s best sustainable practices.

The cashmere sector is vital for Mongolia as it sustains the livelihoods of approximately one million pastoralist herders and represents Mongolia’s global brand. Herders generate about 80 percent of the country’s agricultural sector output, playing a pivotal role in diversifying the economy. Event also recognized the best herders, herder organizations, cooperatives, and cashmere industry producers who have made progress in meeting the sustainability policy and sustainable cashmere standards in Mongolia in the eight categories.

Stakeholders of the cashmere supply chain such as representatives of herders, cooperatives, national and international cashmere factories, and industry experts, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry and Ministry of Environment and Tourism discussed the policies, goals, and challenges of sustainable cashmere and animal husbandry adapted to climate change and highlighted good industry practices. Mongolian Sustainable Cashmere Platform is a collaborative umbrella mechanism established to support and enhance trust and leadership to accelerate the long-term sustainable development of the cashmere industry and to clarify the responsibilities of the stakeholders. The platform is working to identify and implement measures to eliminate the main causes that limit the sustainable development of the Mongolian cashmere industry.