
2024 declared as year to protect Mazaalai

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2024 declared as year to protect Mazaalai

      The management team of Ministry of Environment and Tourism met with the researchers led by Dr. T.Odbayar and exchanged views on the conservation of Mazaalai or Gobi bears. On this occasion, the experts of the ministry emphasized that they are receiving and consolidating proposals for the approval of the government’s resolution to reduce the problems faced by the living environment of wild animals, to expand their habitat, to ensure the sustainable growth of the population, and to make them known at the national and international levels. 2024 is declared as the “Year of Mazaalai Protection” by the order of the Minister of Environment and Tourism. In this regard, 1 billion MNT has been budgeted for the protection of Gobi bears next year. The work of developing a plan for the protection of the animals has also been started.

It is important to ensure the participation of researchers in the conservation of Mazaalai and to consolidate research and statistics in this area. In this way, the parties agreed that there will be conditions for developing a conservation plan based on science. In addition, visiting researcher from Boise State University, USA, Dr. T.Odbayar is working in Mongolia in connection with the focus on improving the protection of gobi bears.