
Soum hospitals can now diagnose tuberculosis

  • By chagy5
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  • 2024-05-27
  • 705
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Soum hospitals can now diagnose tuberculosis

Mongolia, with the support of the Global Fund, delivered six mobile X-ray machines based on artificial intelligence for the surveillance, monitoring and detection of tuberculosis in remote areas or soums and family medical centers in the capital city. The X-ray machine takes images, and uses artificial intelligence to process or determine those X-ray images, contrasting it with 10 million cases and finally makes a diagnosis. It is the latest advanced technology to diagnose lung diseases and tuberculosis. The machine costs around 232 million MNT. Three of these six devices will be allocated to health centers in Tosontsengel soum of Khuvsgul Province, Jargaltkhaan soum of Khentii Province, and Erdenesant soum of Tuv Province. Other three will be given to the National Center for Communicable Diseases. The head of the health center in Khentii Province, N.Tuvshinjargal said, “I am happy to receive the device for early detection of tuberculosis. Previously, we took tests from patients with symptoms and sent them to the province and from the province to the capital city for diagnosis. In other words, it used to be mandatory to go through many different stages, and required a significant amount of time. Thankfully, It is now possible to diagnose on the spot with the help of this device”. 

Moreover, Mongolia is among the 30 countries with the highest prevalence of tuberculosis per 1,000 people. The State Secretary of the Ministry of Health, D.Ochirbat emphasized that in order to prevent tuberculosis, innovative methods that introduce modern technology are currently used. According to the active detection of tuberculosis, 210 new cases in 80,520 citizens were registered as of 2021, 527 in  79,115 citizens in 2022, and 396 new cases in 85,177 citizens were diagnosed and treated last year.

In addition, six additional teams will be established in 2024-2026 for active door-to-door screening in the capital city and local areas. These teams will examine and analyze the vulnerable groups and families living in the bag and khoroo with high incidence of tuberculosis.