
Professional capacity of Bag doctors to be strengthened

  • By chagy5
  •   -  
  • 2024-05-27
  • 826
  • 0
Professional capacity of Bag doctors to be strengthened

About 46 percent of Mongolians live in remote rural areas. Therefore, it is very important to determine the human resources policy to deliver basic health care and services in accordance with the fact that the majority of them are engaged in nomadic livestock husbandry. Other countries measure human resource availability by the number of health professionals per 10,000 people.

For Mongolia, which has a large rural population scattered over a vast area, it is believed that evaluating the number of health professionals per territory can more clearly express inequality. According to this estimate, the number of professionals providing health care in the span of ​​1000 km square is more than 2,000 in Ulaanbaatar City, about 500 in the center of the province, and less than 10 in soums. Due to the lack of training of junior doctors in the last decade, there is a lack of doctors in 36 percent of all rural areas. Thus, measures have been taken to correct the malfunctions of bag (smallest administrative unit in Mongolia) doctor training by the cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science.

First of all, a joint order of the two ministers will be issued to restore the exclusion of junior doctors from the professional index, and to open a professional class for training junior doctors. Also, as an incentive for the stable employment of medical specialists in rural and local areas, according to Order No. A/217 of 2024 of the Minister of Health, one year of service is equivalent to 1.5 years when calculating the professional degree and promotion period for medical specialists working in soums, and bags, and the requirement for a year of service is decided to be reduced by 50 percent.

In addition, according to the order of the Minister of Health No. A/224 of 2024, it was decided to extend the permission to engage in professional activity for a period of five years based on the description or the recommendation of the organization and the work report of the medical specialist who has been working for 20 years or more in the medical centers of bags or soums. If a person has been working as a bag doctor continuously for more than three and a half years, the Second State Central Hospital has approved the procedure for providing health care and services without regard to the order, and provided all bag doctors with the necessary medicine and medical equipment.