
Stray animals still do not have shelters

  • By chagy5
  •   -  
  • 2024-05-15
  • 884
  • 0
Stray animals still do not have shelters

In order to create a temporary shelter for stray dogs and cats in the Shuvuun Fabrique, the renovation work started last January. At the same time, the administration of the capital city presented the plan to restore and put the old building in that area into use. Officials said that they would take care of stray dogs and cats in the building until they had someone to take care of them. However, we have reported earlier that many dogs are being taken there even though the renovation work has not been completed, and as a result they are starving to death. In addition, the Mayor’s Office reported that the building would have been put into operation on April 15. However, it has not yet been put into use.

A metal fence was built around the building. It is said that the building is being renovated with 800 million MNT. There were five to six people plastering the walls of the building. They said that it has been a week since they started the repair work. There was a lot of manure, so it took some time to clean them up. The heating systems were decided by the Ulaanbaatar Housing and Public Utilities Authority. Those who are currently working will finish their work on May 30. Looking at the piles of dirt and cement here and there, it’s hard to believe that they will be able to complete the work in the timeframe they told us.

Staff headquarters will also be established there. There is no one to take care of it. Having a look at this situation, it is still unclear when the temporary animal shelter and staff quarters will be put into operation and receive its “guests”.