
Tree seedlings planted

  • By chagy5
  •   -  
  • 2024-05-13
  • 814
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Tree seedlings planted

The National Tree Planting Day was organized on May 11. About 75 organizations and more than 100 citizens planted about 2,600 tree seedlings in the National Park. Also, during the day held in the “Friendship Forest” park located in the 16th khoroo of Sukhbaatar District, President of Mongolia U.Khurelsukh planted trees with more than 80 children and youths. It is planned to plant 3,000 trees of six types of deciduous and coniferous trees in the park. In 2024, 3.1 million trees will be planted for afforestation and restoration of 2.4 thousand hectares, reforestation of main lakes. 2.8 million hectares of forest management will also be carried out and the state of the forest will be assessed and 500 km of new fire escapes and dirt tracks will be constructed and the previously established ones will be updated. Moreover, 330,000 hectares of forest pests will be combated and 1.2 billion trees will be prevented from deterioration. Also, 1,300 hectares of forest will be maintained and cleaned, a protective forest strip will be established on an area of ​​130 hectares, and technical and equipment support will be provided to tree nurseries.

On May 11, the citizens, organizations and entities had planted those trees in locations, such as the IGM Park in 28th khoroo of Bayanzurkh District, New Nalaikh Park in seventh khoroo of Nalaikh District, Bayangol Park in 20th khoroo of Bayangol District, Aidsiin Am in 14th khoroo of Khan-Uul District, and Khairkhan Development Center in 19th khoroo of Chingeltei District. Furthermore, the National Tree Planting Day will continue throughout this month, and more than 300 organizations will plant trees in eight locations of the capital city.