
Speaker Series - Mari Valdur

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American Corner is featuring “One for Each Trouble: Establishing and Navigating Private Clinics in Ulaanbaatar” presentation by Mari Valdur, a PhD student of social anthropology who is currently carrying out her fieldwork looking at reproductive healthcare in Ulaanbaatar. This presentation will review the recent history of a rising market economy and its impact on medical healthcare in Mongolia, with a particular focus on Ulaanbaatar. It will discuss social anthropology and medical anthropology and how these disciplines could approach and contribute to the understanding of the situation, and provide some examples beyond Mongolia. The seminar will be held in English but the outline and the section on methodology will be available in Mongolian. Guests from both academic and non-academic backgrounds are welcome to participate. _______________________________________________________________________ Details When: November 14, at 5:30 p.m. Where: American Corner Admission: Free More Information: 70115703