
Prime Minister and IMF discuss future of extended fund facility

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Prime Minister and IMF discuss future of extended fund facility

Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh met with the Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Neil Saker on October 5 at the State Palace to reaffirm the government’s commitment to the continuation of the extended fund facility program. The Prime Minister stated that since the Mongolian People’s Party’s government was formed after the 2016 parliamentary election, the country’s economic situation has improved, the national economy has grown, and inflation has dropped below 10 percent. He highlighted that the IMF extended fund facility program helped the country reach this achievement. U.Khurelsukh added that the new government will keep promoting the good policies of J.Erdenebat’s Cabinet, and will keep implementing the extended fund facility program in Mongolia. The Prime Minister then handed over an official letter, which reaffirms Mongolia’s commitment to continue the extended fund facility program to deal with the nation’s economic challenges, to Saker with the hope that it be relayed to IMF managing director Christine Lagarde.