
Youth campaign encourages sustainable peace

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This year’s Youth Development Campaign was launched on International Youth Day, August 12, at the Night Light Street to inspire young people to take initiative against social problems and conflict prevention. The third edition of the campaign is set to continue for a month under the slogan “Youth=Power for Positive Change”, which aims to raise awareness about the influence and contribution young people can make to society and encourage them to be more proactive in seeking solutions for current issues. The Youth Development Campaign was first initiated in 2014 to draw the public attention to problems and matters related to young people, who take up the majority of the Mongolian population. The campaign has been organized every August since as International Youth Day and Mongolian Youth Day are marked during this month. “August is a month for youth. Several special days occur during this month, including International Youth Day and Mongolian Youth Day,” Head of Ulaanbaatar Youth Development Agency S.Sukh-Ochir noted. “As the first and only agency in Mongolia managing issues related to young people, the Ulaanbaatar Youth Development Agency plans to organize many large-scale measures within the scope of the Youth Development Campaign. For example, we will host Positive Ulaanbaatar International Youth Festival and ‘We’re Committed Youth’ forum among young people living throughout the capital, as well as 1,000 Horse Riders’ Festival.” Through the Youth Development Campaign, government organizations, civil societies and youth agencies are joining hands to organize an open house to support start-up companies, an Orange Session to combat gender-based violence, Democracy Carnival to promote human rights and democracy, “I Volunteer, Do You?” event to support volunteer work, “Trust, Faith and Opportunity” UB Marathon, Equal Rights Pride Day, and more. The Ulaanbaatar Youth Development Agency and Family and Child and Youth Development Agency are cooperating with the Center for Civic Education and United Nations Population Fund to carry out the campaign. The theme for this year’s International Youth Day was Youth Building Peace as growing number of people are recognizing young people as critical agents in conflict prevention and sustaining peace. The special day was marked all around the world to celebrate young people’s contributions to conflict prevention and transformation as well as inclusion, social justice, and sustainable peace. According to UN, the current generation of youth is the largest in history and young people are said to comprise the majority in most countries marked by armed conflict or unrest. Hence, experts believe that consideration of the needs and aspirations of youth in matters of peace and security is a demographic imperative. Mongolian youth organizations also joined the cause and held various events on International Youth Day such as a photography exhibition displaying endeavors of young people of different generations and “Forever Young - 95th Anniversary” train trip to inspire youth to contribute in resolving urgent problems and promote social development.