
Workshops and discussions on constitutional amendments held in Govi-Altai and Sukhbaatar

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Workshops and discussions on constitutional amendments held in Govi-Altai and Sukhbaatar

A task force of the Parliament’s Standing Committee on Compliance organized workshops and open discussions on constitutional amendments in Yusunbulag soum of Govi-Altai Province on August 4. Over 100 officials from the local citizen’s representative councils and government offices of the province’s 11 soums attended a workshop held in Yusunbulag soum to learn more about the proposed amendments to the Constitution from the task force. Some 176 soum residents participated in the discussion and 128 of them took part in a survey regarding the constitutional amendments. Resident B.Chandag said that the new Constitution should take effect on January 1, 2018 as he believes that Parliament needs to implement its new mandate as soon as possible to address public interest issues by creating temporary committees. He noted that according to the proposed amendments to the Constitution, the new amended Constitution will take effect on July 1, 2020, and added that addressing numerous challenges facing the nation’s socioeconomics will take significant time. On August 4, a task force of the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Education, Culture and Science organized workshops and open discussions on constitutional amendments in Dariganga soum of Sukhbaatar Province. More than 130 people from Dariganga and other soums participated in the discussions and took part in a survey on constitutional amendments. L.Avaadorj, a resident of Bayandelger soum, emphasized that under the new version of the Constitution, the President’s power should be reduced as presidential orders and instructions to Cabinet had put strains on their work.