
Doctor gives tips on relieving spring fatigue

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Doctor gives tips on relieving spring fatigue

With the arrival of spring, many people experience various physical or behavioral changes, which is commonly referred to as “spring fever” or “spring fatigue”. Spring fever isn’t considered an illness, but the cost of adjustment to the seasonal change can put a great deal of pressure on the body and mind, usually in the form of burnout, loss of appetite, fatigue, attention deficit and concentration, restlessness and sleepiness, headaches, and poor immune function. Doctors say that psychological stress is more likely to cause serious neurological disorders than physical stress. To help everyone deal with burnout and spring fever better, Head of Neurology Department at the First State Central Hospital L.Enkhsaikhan gave an extensive interview on psychological distress and its impact on the nervous system.  Many people experience extreme fatigue and are diagnosed with neurological chronic fatigue during spring. What is the cause of this? Most people believe that they feel exhausted due to excessive physical labor, but in reality, the primary reason is to do with neurological condition. Your neurological condition can degrade due to psychological strain and stress. It’s common for people to experience neurological fatigue due to all kinds of reasons related to work and household problems. Not being able to maintain a good work-life balance can also cause distress on your nervous system. Changes occur in people’s immune system and body when seasons change. For example, a person will show symptoms of fatigue and constant tiredness when warm seasons start if they have used up all energy and vitality during winter.  Is there a difference between spring fever and neurological fatigue? There isn’t a medical term for spring fever. Exhaustion and fatigue is not exactly a type of neurological disease. It can be viewed as both neurological and mental disease. A person’s nervous system can weaken due to sleep deprivation, excessive workload, constant psychological distress, and stress. Nervous system problems gradually affect organs in the body. For example, it could cause fluctuations in blood pressure, poor digestion, stomach aches and other conditions in your organ and bodily system. The nervous system controls all activities in the human body.  It’s common for people to get IV treatment or take vitamins to prevent fatigue related to seasonal change. Is this the best solution to preventing fatigue? You can’t treat fatigue and exhaustion with IV shots, vitamins or antibiotics. The best remedy is to relieve the exhaustion. You can’t fully treat fatigue with shots or vitamins. Vitamin can help improve the nervous system but it’s not enough to fully relieve your fatigue. Relieving stress or exhaustion means to calm your mind, deal with your worries, and resting your nervous system. You might feel like your body has gotten lighter and relax after getting an IV shot but it’s only temporary. A good rest is the best way to treat fatigue. If you’re feeling exhausted, you should try changing your daily routine, reduce your workload or change your relaxation method. Rather than sleeping at home or watching TV on your couch, it’s better to go out for fresh air, work out, and take your mind away from everything by traveling. The more oxygen you get, the better your brain functions. Therefore, I recommend everyone to take a walk outside and stop stressing about everything. Try to keep calm down and relax. You can’t get over neurological fatigue if you keep sleeping in until midday. The best preventive measure for neurological fatigue and exhaustion is to allow the brain to rest. Do whatever makes you happy and keeps you calm. Some people find happiness when they’re playing a sport with a friend or spend time with their children. This is the remedy you need to relieve stress. Maintaining peacefulness and doing things that positively impact your condition is more effective than any kind of medication or supplement.
...The best preventive measure for neurological fatigue and exhaustion is to allow the brain to rest. Do whatever makes you happy and keeps you calm. Some people find happiness when they’re playing a sport with a friend or spend time with their children. This is the remedy you need to relieve stress. Maintaining peacefulness and doing things that positively impact your condition is more effective than any kind of medication or supplement...

  What would happen if you don’t relieve your fatigue?  The first thing that would happen if you don’t address your fatigue is that your body will become very weak and vulnerable to diseases. Stress can cause all kinds of diseases and illnesses. Your blood pressure will start to rise and slower your ability to digest food, which could potentially lead to stomach ulcer. If you continue to not get quality sleep and become sleep deprived, it could cause various complications in internal organs and weaken your immunity. A weak immune system increases the risk of getting communicable and non-communicable diseases. Like the saying that a healthy body equals a healthy mind, mental and psychological well-being is an essential part of maintaining a healthy body, so stay relaxed. There are people who try to relieve stress by drinking wine or alcohol. This is not an effective method. The problems that are eating you away will not resolve no matter how much you drink. You should deal with the problem head-on without further delay or complication by finding a more practical solution.  The more you stress about it, the more it’ll affect your body and mind and cause a burnout or neurological fatigue. Neurological fatigue is not a simple result of long hours of work but psychological stress. In other words, having sour muscles doesn't mean that you're experiencing neurological fatigue. You must always take care of yourself so that you don’t feel emotionally and mentally stressed.  Statistics indicate that increasing number of people have had strokes and experience high blood pressure. What’s the main cause of strokes? Can it be prevented? A person usually becomes weaker due to changes in the air pressure and environment when seasons change. The occurrence of strokes increases greatly this time of the year. For example, the number of stroke patients rapidly increased in the last 21 days. Taking this into account, it could be said that the human body becomes more vulnerable during spring. Serious complications may arise if such a state is combined with emotional and psychological stress. Mongolia has a relatively high prevalence and mortality rate of stroke in the world. The primary way to prevent strokes is by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This way, you can fully avoid strokes altogether. A stroke isn’t an infectious disease. So to avoid it, you need to get plenty of sleep, work when you have to and rest when you need to. Stop thinking about work when you’re at home and stay away from people who constantly make you worried. A peaceful mind will not cause high blood pressure. Regular exercise is highly recommended as well. Thirty minutes of exercise every day can make a huge difference in your health. You should always avoid toxic habits such as drinking and smoking. Stay away from junk food. A healthy diet doesn’t mean that you have to eat only vegetables and greens. A healthy diet is a balanced diet with vegetables, nutrition, essential fat and protein you get from meat. This means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions and consuming the right amount of food and drinks. Otherwise, you can’t stay healthy. Today, there are very few people who are able to stay healthy without consuming any fat. The human body needs protein and fat from meat. Besides food, annual health checkup is very important. I hope that everyone understands that it’s crucial to increase the frequency of health examinations as you get older to prevent diseases. You should monitor your blood pressure five to six times a year, not just when it’s risen. An efficient preventive measure and habit is the key to staying away from diseases and other health complications. Strokes occur due to problems with the blood supply to the brain; either the blood supply is blocked or a blood vessel within the brain ruptures. Blood vessels can become narrower due to lack of exercise, excessive smoking, diabetes, and obesity. The chances of having a stroke increase when the blood vessels get narrower.