The winner of an officially licensed Mongolian adaptation of “America’s Next Top Model” was announced last Sunday and participant B.Tserendolgor became Mongolia’s “next top model”.
“Mongolia’s Next Top Model” was co-produced by Edutainment TV and Buro 24/7 online fashion magazine to promote the Mongolian fashion industry. Model B.Tserendolgor competed against 14 participants during the two-month long reality show.
In the grand final of the show, three participants (B.Tserendolgor, Yu.Baljidmaa and T.Nomin-Erdene) became the finalists of the competition.
B.Tserendolgor collected 67 points from judges and audiences, and became the winner. She received 20 million MNT in cash prize, a right to travel to Paris, and a two-year modeling contract with Looque Agency of Singapore.
The other finalists, Yu.Baljidmaa and T.Nomin-Erdene, received 48 and 39 points respectively.
Mongolia’s newest “top” model B.Tserendolgor currently studies dentistry at Ach University of Medical Sciences.

B.Tserendolgor crying after became the winner[/caption]

Three finalists. From Left: Yu.Baljidmaa, B.Tserendolgor and T.Nomin-Erdene[/caption]