
Women demonstrate on International Women’s Day

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Women demonstrate on International Women’s Day

Two demonstrations took place in Ulaanbaatar on March 8, stirring controversy while the public celebrated International Women’s Day with concerts and award ceremonies. One of the demonstrations was held at Sukhbaatar Square by three half-naked women who demanded the government to “rid Mongolia of offshore account holders” and to “hold them accountable for their action.” Three half-naked women protest at Sukhbaatar Square on March 8 Three half-naked women protest at Sukhbaatar Square on March 8[/caption] The three women wore signs and boards that read: “Return the money you stole”, “Purge offshore account holders”, “We have no reason to be happy”, “Inspect offshore account holders”, “Economy has been strangled. Stop it!”, “Stop loan sharks!”, and “Distribute wealth equally”. It was a shocking display for passersby and attendees of an award ceremony for mothers organized at the State Palace.Three half-naked women protest at Sukhbaatar Square on March 8 (1) One of the three protestors, B.Bolor-Erdene, shared a video on her Facebook page, explaining her reasons for holding the demonstration. She said she wanted to exercise her rights, voice her opinion against state officials with offshore accounts, and call upon others to join her as it was International Women’s Day – a day for supporting women’s rights. She told the police to not look for her, saying, “The police seems to have looked for us and went to our apartments. We made a video about Chinese people illegally enslaving Mongolians before and called the police. However, they ignored us. Why is the police trying to obstruct us from exercising our rights and chase us for holding a few boards on International Women’s Day?” She urged people to join her cause, which she affirmed will continue. “We’re doing what’s right and will continue to protest,” she said and disclosed her mobile phone number to those who support her cause.


Protest4More than 50 young men and women stood up for women’s rights and raised daily challenges faced by women in Mongolia through a peaceful demonstration on Peace Bridge on March 8. The “Strong Women Become Bridges for Peace” peaceful demonstration was organized for the third year to bring attention to women’s everyday challenges and seek solutions. This year’s demonstration raised voices for helping children grow healthily, allowing girls to study, promoting proper knowledge and understanding about women to boys and men, urging men to treat women better and behave properly, improving history education and family history records, advocating for women’s employment, enhancing healthcare for women, and supporting single mothers. protest1 Protest7 protest5 Protest3 protest2 Protest6