
Ulaanbaatar focuses on preventing alcohol abuse

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Alcohol awareness workshops are being organized throughout Ulaanbaatar until February 28, in an effort to prevent young people from succumbing to alcoholism. The campaign’s workshops for students discuss the possible consequences and risks of alcohol abuse, while workshops for doctors will focus on enhancing the skills of healthcare professionals in dealing with alcohol abusers and ways to treat them. The Mental Health and Narcology Center trained doctors working at police stations and law enforcement agencies on February 16. In Mongolia, six out of every 10 middle and high school students are at high risk for engaging in binge drinking due to a lack of information, according to a recent survey conducted in six schools by the Mongolian Psychological Training, Research and Development Center. Nearly half of all crimes committed in Mongolia are linked to excessive drinking, according to statistics. Out of the 27,167 crimes recorded in 2016, almost 22 percent of them (5,907 crimes) were committed by perpetrators under the influence of alcohol. Last year, 87,400 inebriated people were taken into custody, which is a decrease of 10.5 percent compared to 2015. The police took 7,500 inebriated people into custody in January 2017.