The Mongolian ethnic ballad group, Khusugtun, will organize their concert tour called “Khusugtun Team at World Stage 2017” through 10 cities of the USA and Canada starting from March 3.
The group will perform at professional stages and famous museums such as the UN headquarters in New York, “Rubin Museum” and Chicago theaters to promote Mongolian traditional folk music to the world.
The concert will be held from March 3 to 26 in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver of Canada, and New York, Washington D.C, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles of the USA.
Mongolia’s first internet cinema, www.miye.mn, initiated Khusugtun’s concert tour and is working as the general organizer. This is the first time that Khusugtun is cooperating with a Mongolian organization on a concert tour.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of Mongolia in Washington D.C and Ottawa, the UN headquarters in New York, and creator of the Netflix’s “Marco Polo” John Fusco are cooperating with Khusugtun on advertising.
After their concerts in the USA and Canada, Khusugtun will perform in Tokyo Nikkei Hall, Japan on April 12 and Rumi Festival in Pakistan on May 10.
Khusugtun recently performed a concert in Brasilia, Brazil on January 24, for the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Brazil.