The Parents Against Air Pollution Union has stated they will be demonstrating for the second time on January 7.
The union's first demonstration was organized on December 26, 2016, at Sukhbaatar Square. The participants in the demonstrations signed a petition to be presented to Parliament. The number of participants attending the demonstration last month was 4,000,much lower than the advertised number of 20,000.
In what many people believe was in response to the protests, Cabinet recently made the decision to offer free nighttime electricity to 146,000 households in the ger district. Currently, 110,000 households are receiving free electricity from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Many critics and analysts have noted that it is not clear how much the free electricity plan will help to alleviate air pollution, as many households do not have electric heaters. Parents Against Air Pollution Union are demanding more effective and immediate action from the government.