The Mongolian memory team claimed 23 medals at the 25th World Memory Champion-ships, which took place in Singapore from December 14 to 18.
The Mongolian team, comprised of 23 athletes, won eight gold, 11 silver and eight bronze medals in total.
International grandmaster E.Purevjav won a gold medal in the names and faces category (junior), and N.Namuundari won a bronze medal in the names and faces (kids).
B.Shijir-Erdene, N.Munkhshur and N.Enkhsur secured gold, silver and bronze medals in the binary digits category (junior). In this category, B.Shijir-Erdene broke the world record by memorizing 4,635 digits.
In the binary digits category (kids), N.Namuundari secured a gold medal. She set a new world record by memorizing 2,805 digits.
International grandmaster E.Purevjav won a gold medal after shattering the world record in the one-hour numbers category (junior). He was followed by two Mongolian athletes, N.Munkhshur and N.Enkhshur. N.Namuundari earned a silver medal in the one-hour numbers (kids).
N.Enkhshur and B.Ariunsanaa won silver and bronze medalsin the abstract images category (junior), and O.Ganjiguur won a silver medal in the abstract images (kids).
International Grandmaster E.Purevjav, N.Enkhshur and N.Munkhshur won first three places in the five-minute numbers category (junior). N.Namuundari won a silver medal in the five-minute numbers (kids).
In the historic dates category, N.Enkhshur and Z.Tsetsegzul secured gold and silver medals. N.Enkhshur set a new world record after memorizing 88 historic dates.
N.Munkhshur, E.Lkhagvadulam and B.Ariunsanaa won first three places in the one-hour playing card category. N.Munkhshur break the world record after memorizing 1,560 playing cards.
A total of 232 competitors from over 30 countries competed in 10 different memory disciplines of the championships.