Turquoise Hill Resources announced on December 14 that Oyu Tolgoi has resumed concentrate shipments. The company published a statement on their website stating, “Following engagement with Chinese and Mongolian authorities, Oyu Tolgoi will follow a new joint coal and concentrate crossing route at the Chinese-Mongolian border.”
The decision to temporarily halt concentrate shipments was announced by Turquoise Hill Resources on December 2. They reported that, effective December 1, Oyu Tolgoi had suspended concentrate shipments to the Chinese border due to a new requirement at the Chinese-Mongolian border to utilize one joint coal and concentrate crossing route.
Earlier this month, the CEO of Rio Tinto (the majority owner of Turquoise Hill Re-
sources) had said that Rio saw the issue involving the border dispute to be "a bump in the road" and expected it to be resolved in the near future. Just a week after the CEO’s statements, the decision to resume concentrate shipments was announced.
The company stated, “Based on completed trial shipments, Oyu Tolgoi expects shipments to return to pre-suspension levels over the coming weeks. Production at Oyu Tolgoi was unaffected during the shipment suspension.”