
Mongolia to compete in 2016 World University Woodball Championship

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Mongolia to compete in 2016 World University Woodball Championship

A Mongolian woodball team will participate in the 5th World University Woodball Championship, which will be held in Taipei, Taiwan from October 21 to 26. The Mongolian team will include coach M.Ganbold, team leader B.Bayanbulag ,and 11 athletes: Z.Baitagsuren, M.Nandintsetseg, J.Shinenjamts and B.Azzaya from Mon-Altius Physical Education Institute; Sh.Batjargal, B.Bilguundalai and E.Tsenguul of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology in Darkhan; Ch.Uuganbayar, M.Khurelmunkh, J.Naranchimeg and G.Myagmarsuren from the State University of Life Sciences.