
Urban Green Solution Expo opens at Chinggis Square

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Urban Green Solution Expo opens at Chinggis Square

The second Urban Green Solutions Expo is currently taking place at Chinggis Square. The expo, which opened at 11:00 a.m. on August 3, features a wide range of “green” technologies and construction materials that are made from natural raw materials and are friendly to the environment. Around 48 entities are introducing their products under four themes – eco transport, eco-energy, eco heat, and eco industry – at the Urban Green Solutions Expo to promote eco-friendly development and protect the environment. Foreign representatives watching the opening of Urban Green Solution Expo Foreign representatives watching the opening of Urban Green Solution Expo[/caption] Over 20 foreign who representatives arrived in Mongolia for the Northeast Asian Mayors Forum reviewed products on display at Chinggis Square, including eco buses, eco stoves, eco thermal insulation, and eco lights. The Head of the Energy Control Department at the Energy Regulatory Commission of Mongolia, Ts.Atarjargal, commented on Mongolia's efforts for developing a green city. “Our commission is taking all measures required for green development and renewable energy. For example, a new tariff has been adopted for promoting recoverable energy. Eight percent of the total energy capacity in Mongolia amounts to renewable energy. In the industry sector, this equals to two to three percent. The government has set an ambitious target to boost renewable energy production to 20 percent (of the total energy production) by 2020 through policy,” he said. Thermal insulation made from wool. It's natural and insulates better than foam. Thermal insulation made from wool. It's natural and insulates better than foam.[/caption] Model of a solar energy solution Model of a solar energy solution[/caption] Paper with seeds inside, enables plants to grow even if the paper is discarded on the street. Paper with seeds inside, enables plants to grow even if the paper is discarded on the street.[/caption] A new technology for cleaning exhaust systems/pipes of buses A new technology for cleaning exhaust systems/pipes of buses[/caption] Exhaust system/ pipe of a bus in Mongolia on the right and a cleaned exhaust system on the left Exhaust system/ pipe of a bus in Mongolia on the right and a cleaned exhaust system on the left[/caption]