
PM J.Erdenebat receives his first MP policy inquiry

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PM J.Erdenebat receives his first MP policy inquiry

First-time Member of Parliament M.Oyunchimeg has submitted an official inquiry to Prime Minister J.Erdenebat, asking for detailed clarification on the state's policy on access to public education, which will be discussed during a parliamentary session to be held prior to the start of the new academic year. MP M.Oyunchimeg asked for information about the current access to public and private kindergartens and schools in Mongolia, kindergarten and school enrollment, and the state's policy on children who have been left behind in early childhood education. Details were also requested concerning the implementation of enforcement of the Law on Childcare Service, and the current status of enrollment for children who have been left at home without a  caregiver. The MP asked about the preparation of individuals who want to run childcare centers, and sources of the state's financing for implementation of the law. The MP also requested an update on Lunch Project, which was to be carried out in schools and kindergartens. The project covered the provision of food to kindergartens, food safety, and measures to be taken to increase the salaries of school and kindergarten teachers. The inquiry also included an update on efforts to improve the quality of textbooks, their printing, and student access to textbooks.