Thirteen athletes from the Mongolian Intellectual Academy, coached by B.Baasandorj, competed in the 1st Malaysia Open Memory Tournament, held in Penang, Malaysia on June 11 and 12.
Mongolian athletes have secured 22 medal, out of possible 60 medals, and led the tournament through team result.
A total of 97 athletes from eight countries competed in 10 categories at the tournament: names and faces, binary digits, hour numbers, abstract images, historic dates, speed numbers, hour cards, random words, spoken numbers, and speed cards.
Young athlete B.Bat-Erdene broke the world record in the abstract images category. International Master B.Shijir-Erdene, who competed in the junior category, won a gold medal. He was followed by Li Lin Pei of China and M.Tuguldur of Mongolia.
In the last five years Mongolian memory athletes have won 504 medals from the World Championships and other biggest international tournaments.
Five Mongolian memory athletes will take part in the Extreme Memory Tournament for top 24 athletes of the world, which will be held from June 24 to 26 in San Diego, the USA.