
Elite Club triumphs at State Junior Taekwondo Championships

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Elite Club triumphs at State Junior Taekwondo Championships

The State Junior Taekwondo Championships ended on June 7 after a fierce two-day competition at the Central Sports Palace. The championships, hosted by the Mongolian Taekwondo Federation, attracted more than 500 young talents from all over the nation. Junior taekwondo athletes aged from seven to 13 competed in a total of 29 categories, specifically 22 boys’ and seven girls’ categories. T.Telmuun, E.Bilguun, E.Enkhmurun and A.Davaajargal took top prizes for the boys’ seven to eight age category; T.Boldbaatar, Ch.Khantengis, B.Khatanbaatar and T.Enkhjin were victorious in the boys’ nine to 10 age category; and Z.Munkh-Orgil, T.Usukhbayar and D.Chinzorig won the boys’ 13 to 14 age category. In the girls’ division, M.Dulguun, N.Tergelsaran, G.Otgonchimeg, A.Munkhzul, M.Enkhtsatsral and A.Oyungerel became state champions in their respective categories. Elite Sports Club finished the championships on top with their team score, and were followed by a team from Uvurkhangai, coached by P.Eebum, and Ekhlel Sports Club won third place. Mongolia will participate in the taekwondo tournament of the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro for the first time ever. International Sports Master P.Temuujin, who took home a silver medal from the Asian Qualification Tournament for Rio 2016 earlier in April, will represent Mongolia at the Olympic stage in men’s 58 kg weight category.