
Parliament ratifies amendments to the Law on Elections

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Parliamentary members have adopted new amendments to the Law on Elections with 72.4 percent votes on Thursday, during a regular parliamentary session which lasted until 11 p.m. During the session, Speaker Z.Enkhbold did not acknowledge the existence of a third political force in Parliament, the Justice Coalition which was formed after the merge of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party and Mongolian National Democratic Party, due to its insufficient members. The third political force in Parliament ceased to exist after MPs D.Terbishdagva and Ch.Ulaan left the coalilition. When discussing the 2016 parliamentary election, which is scheduled to be held this June 29, Parliament was debating whether to elect all 76 MPs from the 26 electoral districts or to use a parallel system that was first introduced in the 2012 elections. In a parallel system, 48 seats out of 76 in Parliament were chosen by local election in 26 electoral districts using the majority-at-large voting system. The remaining 28 seats were elected from the lists of political parties using the largest remainder method. After debates, the majority of parliamentarians in attendance at the Thursday session agreed to ratify the new amendments to the Law on Election with 72.4 percent approval. Pursuant to the new amendments and settlements, all 76 candidates will be elected from the 76 single-mandate electoral districts using the majority-at-small voting system, where each voter is allowed to vote for only one option. On May 4, the General Election Committee presented credentials to 11 political parties and three coalitions to run in the 2016 parliamentary election. According to the new amendments, names of candidates from political parties and coalitions are to be determined from May 20 to 23, 2016. As for local level elections, names are to be announced today. Also, the quota for the female candidates for the parliamentary elections has been decreased in accordance with the new amendments. Member of Parliament S.Odontuya, a representative of the female parliamentarians, spoke about the newly adopted amendments to the Elections Law. Under the newly adopted amendments to the Law on Elections, the quota for female candidates for the parliamentary elections has been reduced from 30 percent to 20 percent. How many women are to compete in the 76 electoral districts, in relation to the newly adopted amendments? I want to remind again that Verdict No. 056 of the Constitutional Court was a risky decision. Its decision has damaged the political party structure that supports women. It states that only 20 percent of the candidates nominated for the parliamentary election from 76 electoral districts should be women. When the quota for female parliamentarians was 30 percent, 23 women were allowed to compete in the parliamentary election. But now with a 20 percent quota, 15 women are eligible to run in the parliamentary election. No matter if parliamentarians adopt a really good law or not, if its implementation fails, the good law becomes useless and faces demands to be amended. The Constitutional Court’s Veridct No. 05 is a realization of that story. I want to state again that Law on Elections, approved in 2011, was a good law. Unfortunately, some political parties that ran in the 2012 elections had nominated inexperienced people who  do not have any knowledge about politics or have experience in gaining the nation’s trust in district or soum’s elections through their party lists. That’s why now people think that it is better to elect the candidates straightforward as untrustworthy people climb up to decision making level when they vote through the party list.